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Companion Problems


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I have 2 quick questions.


First I've followed what several video tutorials have told me concerning making companions, but when I load up the game it doesn't give me the option to have my follower join me, just says (you know). Far as I can tell relations are set up properly, Parent npc (companion name), Child npc (Player), Relation lvl (Ally) . Faction settings: potential follow faction and Current follower faction is at -1. Disposition is at 80.



Second I cant get my companion to wear custom gear from another mod, it show up in the creation kit and when I place him, but not in game. He just shows up naked, I'm sure its something simple but from what I can tell I've everything the tutorials have told me to.

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I actually already had potential follower set to 0, rereading my post i see where it looks like i said i have set it set to -1. I know that I could give the follower the armor in game, but i was considering releasing this to the public if i could get the modders permission.

Edited by ArcAngel87
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check if you have choosen a follower voice allowed by the CK, if not pick one you can find, in the Form List [VoicesFollowerAll] if yes choose another one, it's a kind of bug, you can revert back later, it will solve your problem


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yeah looks like that was the problem, was trying to use the male commander voice, switched to even toned and follower option showed up. Thk guys for taking the time to help.


On a side note i had to make the armor mod a master of my companion mod but he shows up in the armor now. :)

Edited by ArcAngel87
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