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Grenade-like spells.


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Ever feel frustrated that your enemy, due to artificial stupidity or other undisclosed reasons, is behind that wall, trying to attack you through it? Do you hate having your attack, even if it's a arrow, blocked by a wall even though it should go unhindered?


Well, here's my idea: a spell that bounces after a surface and explodes after a set amount of time. In other words, magic grenades. Magic elemental balls that travel in a arc.


Of course, depending on the element, the magic grenade will behave differently:


Fire: explodes on any surface (like a molotov cocktail)

Ice: when exploding, ice spikes erupt and damages anyone near it (like a fragmentation grenade)

Lightning: sticks on a enemy. Otherwise, it mostly behaves like the ice grenade, minus the ice spikes that comes out of it, but with a slight buff in splash damage. But, if it sticks to your foe, he's staggered.


So, your thoughts, please?

Edited by AfroGamerNinja
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You could do one of two things.


You could use the fire arrow function, since that travels in an arc.

And have an explosion when the arrow hits something.

And have the arrow shoot when you cast the spell instead of when you shoot a bow.


Problem is the range is pretty limited, and it wouldn't bounce.


Alternatively, you could spawn an object and send that flying in a direction.

But you'd need the explosion to occur on a timer, I would have no idea how to make it detonate on impact or whatever.

Edited by GrimyBunyip
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