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Stardew Valley: no mods work at all


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Hi, I'm a complete newbie to modding. I installed Vortex and several mods, checked if they are up to date, my Stardew Valley version is the newest one. If I start the game via Steam, it doesn't show any changes; if I run it from SMAPI, it shows multiple errors "unable to find file", starts the game and crashes. Could you please help?
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Hi bergmynt,


So the first thing you should know is that you must start the game via SMAPI to use mods.


It sounds like you might be missing some dependencies. In Vortex there's a button on the "Mods" toolbar that says "SMAPI log". Please click on it then do the following:


  • Click "Copy and Share". This will open a new page in your web browser.
  • Right click and paste into the text box, this will paste your entire SMAPI log.
  • Click "Save and parse log" which will upload it.
  • Copy and paste the link to that new page into your reply (e.g. https://smapi.io/log/6c802fd1c53b45a1bf199bc7b487c458)
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Hi bergmynt,


So the first thing you should know is that you must start the game via SMAPI to use mods.


It sounds like you might be missing some dependencies. In Vortex there's a button on the "Mods" toolbar that says "SMAPI log". Please click on it then do the following:


  • Click "Copy and Share". This will open a new page in your web browser.
  • Right click and paste into the text box, this will paste your entire SMAPI log.
  • Click "Save and parse log" which will upload it.
  • Copy and paste the link to that new page into your reply (e.g. https://smapi.io/log/6c802fd1c53b45a1bf199bc7b487c458)



Not sure how it works here, perhaps I should quote you to answer you directly. Not meaning to be demanding or impatient, just puzzled :)

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Hey sorry I thought I had replied to this. It seem I got sidetracked.


Your log highlights a bunch of errors you'll need to address. I'm looking at your full load order one.

17:16:46	ERROR	SMAPI	   Skipped mods
17:16:46	ERROR	SMAPI	   --------------------------------------------------
17:16:46	ERROR	SMAPI	      These mods could not be added to your game.
17:16:46	ERROR	SMAPI	      - Json Assets 1.7.5 because it requires mods which aren't installed (SpaceCore: https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/1348).
17:16:46	ERROR	SMAPI	      - Ridgeside Village 1.2.0 because it needs the 'Json Assets' mod, which couldn't be loaded.
17:16:46	ERROR	SMAPI	      - RSV Items 1.0.0 because it needs the 'Json Assets' mod, which couldn't be loaded.
17:16:46	ERROR	SMAPI	      - StardustCore 2.5.2 because it's no longer compatible. Please check for a new version at https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/2341 or https://smapi.io/mods
17:16:46	ERROR	SMAPI	      - Happy Birthday 2.1.2 because it needs the 'StardustCore' mod, which couldn't be loaded.
17:16:46	ERROR	SMAPI	      - New Objects for Stardew Valley Expanded 1.12.7 because it needs the 'Json Assets' mod, which couldn't be loaded.
17:16:46	ERROR	SMAPI	      - Ridgeside Village Music Files 1.0.3 because it needs the 'Ridgeside Village' mod, which couldn't be loaded.
17:16:46	ERROR	SMAPI	      - RSV Forage 1.10.11 because it needs the 'RSV Items' mod, which couldn't be loaded.
17:16:46	ERROR	SMAPI	      - RSV QuestFramework 1.2.0 because it needs the 'Ridgeside Village' mod, which couldn't be loaded.
17:16:46	ERROR	SMAPI	      - Stardew Valley Expanded 1.12.7 because it requires mods which aren't installed (SpaceCore: https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/1348).

So, you need to do the following:

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Thank you for coming back, Pickysaurus.

I did everything you advised, as well as disabling some mods which I won't be needing for now (I suppose there was too much of them: SMAPI would load the game and then freeze), and now it seems to work, but............ people are invisible :D I can only see their shades on the ground and participate in their dialogues (without an avatar).

I also think the music doesn't work anymore, it's quiet all the time.


I made another log just now - apologies for troubling you, could you take a look at it again?


Thank you very much in advance!

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From what I can see.. your log has the following items that need be fixed before we can move on:

17:16:46 ERROR SMAPI - StardustCore 2.5.2 because it's no longer compatible. Please check for a new version at https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/2341 or https://smapi.io/mods 17:16:46 ERROR SMAPI - Json Assets 1.7.5 because it requires mods which aren't installed (SpaceCore: https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/1348).

Most mods cannot start right because SpaceCore is not intsalled in accordance to the log. On top of that StardustCore (and incidentally, Happy Birthday) are not updated to work with 1.5 So they need be removed or they can damage your game.

Go to download SpaceCore and remove StardustCore and HappyBirthday, we will see what needs be done afterwards. :smile:



You might also want to start a New Game afterwards.. your old save might have all the damage done already.

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