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[LE] Brawl “Energy�


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Hello all!


I was making myself busy by rewriting some old mods I had to learn how to make followers who like you after you beat them in a brawl. I figured it out and even made my own quests that don’t touch the vanilla favor or intimidate quests. Woohoo. Everything works. I can brawl anyone I like and those in a certain faction become followers afterwards. No problems.


however. During the actual brawl, the bystanders are not “energetic” or as vocal as the vanilla quests. They do make the outbursts and call out things like “snow back” and such, but sometimes they just send the subtitles or just go about whatever they were doing. I think it must be something with the aliases or packages, to make them more active as in vanilla, but since I copied everything from vanilla, I’m just lost.


any suggestions?

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In my expereince, depending on how much work you did on the mod and how much you flipped back and forth between the game to test and the CK to tweak, older versions of scripts may be "baked" in.


So the first thing I would do is test it with a save that has never had your mod active.


Or create a new game without the mod active, get to a safe place like Riverwood, or maybe a city with more NPCs wandering around, make several saves and then activate your mod and test there.



On the other hand, something with the factions, packages, sound files or something might make them less entusiastic, like they don't care as much about the fight as usual, but now I am as lost as you are. :sad:


When copying Vanilla assets, I always make duplicates and give them new Form ID, names etc so they are unique to my mods and cannot conflict with Vanilla, or other mods. For NPCs and Followers, this might include things like packages, aliases, scripts, sound files and so on (you seem to have some dialogue on-screen, but no sound?), but as I have been away from modding for about 6 years, that's a bit advanced for me now.


Now I come to think of it, I used to have a mod called Bully Brawlers, which was meant to enchance brawling in some way. I forget. I eventually removed it as it wasn't working very well.


Then there's memory: you are absolutely sure the bystanders used to be more noisy and enthusiastic?



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