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Considering buying Skyrim on PC for the mods...curious about some stuf


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I've always wanted to play Skyrim, but I find the game just too shallow and simple to tolerate enough to put 200+ hours in. Heck, I might not have ever made it past 100 hours. The farthest I've gotten in the main quest is Diplomatic Immunity.


It may sound like I just don't like the game, but I love the world. Just like Fallout, getting lost in the woods or walking by a river or looking at a mountain as the sun rises is what keeps you coming back. It's what you remember. So I'm willing to pump this game full of mods to improve the gameplay if it means I get to experience everything in that world.


What I'm thinking is that this game needs serious overhaul in all sorts of mechanics, basically an analogue to Fallout Wanderer's Edition. Is there a mod like this being worked on, or out already? Seems like the most endorsed mods of all time are mostly cosmetic improvements, I don't see anything on there that could be a major gameplay overhaul.


I'd actually even be kind of interested in giving some ideas on something like this. It sounds kind of silly, but I've been doing a martial art for more than 8 years and I have some understanding of how combat really works, and I'd like to see more realism injected into Skyrim, as some mods like Duel Combat Realism try to do.

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http://www.skyrimgems.com/ this site should help you a lot, its a list of MUST HAVE mods for skyrim :) there are various combat overhauls and you can search for them there too. i usually keep up to dated on nexus through the latest file tab or the slideshow...and based on my experience, you have to end up modding each cateogry. for example, if I wanted to make the landscape look better, go to that website and then find immersion or something. you have to do it seperately like this, but there might be some mods out that there do a complete overhaul on everything. You usually have to mod each "cateogry" yourself and it's better this way. you get to choose what you want to add and what you don't instead of having an all in one package. take a look around at nexus; skyrim is def. worth buying on pc =) I wish i had modded before I finished my first time playing skyrim. the experience would have been 50000x times better.

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YES! You REALLY need to get it for the PC then! Skyrim Redone is a good mod to overhaul the general 'workings' of skyrim, like weapons, armor, races, combat, etc.


But then there are mods like Frostfall, which make it so you have to bundle up and keep warm, or the cold will get to you, and eventually kill you! Not to mention build fires and tents to stay alive! Realistic Needs and Diseases makes it so diseases pose a real threat, and you need to eat, sleep, and drink and is VERY customizable!


Then there are lots of 'hunter' based mods as well, which let you build traps, get a REALISTIC amount of meat from an animal, and track animals realsticly (I dont use any, and don't know any names off the top of my head) All these together you can play skyrim for ages without ever touching any of the quests.


There are mods like Warzones which add realistic wars all over skyrim.


There are also ENBs, which make them game so much more beautiful, if your computer can handle it. Not to mention graphic overhauls, and mods like Tropical Skyrim that makes Skyrim feel like a whole different land!


Dragon Combat Overhaul and Deadly Dragons make dragons real bosses instead of sky-trolls.


Generally, just search for terms like "hunter" "survival" etc, the top mods are for the most part, not that great.


Some mods, like SkyUI, iHUD, and Dance of Death are a must, making the game much more user friendly.

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Honestly, don't buy into the hype of ENB settings. They're a cool novelty for a while, but the majority of the presets out there are either too cartoonish, too blurry, and/or too laggy. Maybe you're less picky than me, though. But I got all the worthwhile aspects of ENBs by using Gopher's Dynavision mod combined with a few new texture packs. Next to zero performance loss, to boot.


Skyrim Redone (aka SkyRe), Warzones, Deadly Dragons + Dragon Combat Overhaul, Frostfall, Realistic Needs and Diseases - all these mods are essentially must-haves. For me, at least. A number of other borderline necessities for me are Quality World Map, Acquisitive Soul Gems, Immersive Armors + Immersive Weapons, and Automatic Variants. I could probably list a good few more if I were at my gaming PC, too. The point is that there are tons of mods out there that make the PC version vastly superior to the console version.


My suggestion would be to take a look at the Mod of the Month history. It'll list all five top contenders for Mod of the Month going all the way back to 11-11-11. Some fantastic mods in there. I also suggest taking a look at Gopher's Mod Sanctuary series. He's featured quite a few brilliant mods. You can also check out the GEMS project, linked above. But I personally find a lot of the mods there to be redundant - many mods it describes have overlapping or even near-identical functionality, and for many of them their value is heavily opinion based.



Edited by Hyacathusarullistad
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Skyrim Gems... Some mods on there are just soooo bad... ( *.*)

Though there are a lot of goodies. I'd look at Nexus top files and gophers mod videos or other video people that have your kind of preferences.

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About ENBs - I don't totally get them, but it's clear they have a dramatic effect on the way the game looks, and in screenshots and video, a lot of the game looks pretty amazing.


However, it seems like ALL of them add a degree of blur, or fog. Or bloom. Some sort of "haze" to the game. I'm sure you guys understand what I mean. Are they all like that?


Thanks for the responses, guys.

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About ENBs - I don't totally get them, but it's clear they have a dramatic effect on the way the game looks, and in screenshots and video, a lot of the game looks pretty amazing.


However, it seems like ALL of them add a degree of blur, or fog. Or bloom. Some sort of "haze" to the game. I'm sure you guys understand what I mean. Are they all like that?


Thanks for the responses, guys.


Those are ENB settings that for some strange reason many people like for doing screenshots and videos. Depth Of Field is the blur you are seeing and it makes the screenshots ugly in my opinion lol. You can find some ENB presets that have no DOF, and keep things nice and clear plus many mods that remove distant fog. Also you can change an ENB's settings if you want to customize it for yourself so you are not reliant on what someone else considers pretty when you might not like it such as extreme amount of saturation and DOF where everything but the PC is blured to an unreconizable blob that could be a table or a draugr humping an urn.


To put it in easy terms ENB just changes the way the game looks via customizeable settings, from what you may consider bufugly to beautifull.

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Oh my God, I don't really have anything of substance to say, but I have to remark on how many mods there are. It's like Skyrim is already way more advanced than Fallout 3, and clearly way more popular. The most popular FO3 mods are still only at 3k endorsements, damn.


I go to a category and sort it by most endorsements. Okay, here's Wet and Cold. Sounds good. There's a link to Frostfall, sounds good. It recommends several different cloak mods. Sounds good.


I feel like I'm going to end up with a million mods and still miss some stuff that improves, fixes, or otherwise adds something to the game that should be in the game already. Oh boy.

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Something I haven't seen mentioned here that I consider essential are the Unofficial Patches for the main game and the games DLC. If nothing else, installing those makes the main game far less buggy and are pretty much essential to playing skyrim.

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