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One of my major complaints about Skyrim is the faction and information sharing system. It's disconcerting when guards know your Restoration skill is high but downright immersion breaking when something you did a mile down in some dungeon that may have been on the shameful side is known far a wide by every NPC in Skyrim. I have sneak and my sneak skill is maxed. This means I can move through places without being seen whatsoever,,, Well, they can't see me but they know everything about me... Strange...

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I have taken out the Thalmor Fort in werewolf form so no one would recognize me, but I still get guard comments about it. Doing stuff in Werewolf form ensures you do not dinged with the crime as long no one sees you shapeshift, so it can be irritating to get credit for stuff that I do only as a furball. This is just on of those limits that computer RPGs have.


The respectful guard dialogue mod does seem to help in keeping them from talking down to you once you are a thane or are famous.

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