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Is it ok to display items in your breezehome house?


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Hi, I just got avertinus avencci or whatever his name is. I got his shiny special plate and I wanna put it on display on my breezehome house. Is this possible? I dont wanna store it on my chest.


PS. Warn me if you think I posted in the wrong section

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Dohkaviin, don't worry about anything you put inside your house. It will not disappear (unless there's some strange bug). The issue with almost all the places is that they respawn after a couple of in-game weeks. That does not happen in houses nor in places like your living quarters in College of Winterhold, Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary in Dawnstar, and so on.


The best way to see if a container or a certain are is good or not to store equipments is to go to uesp.net and check each place individually. For example, the Sleeping Giant Inn in riverwood is safe. According to the site:


Several containers in Sleeping Giant Inn are safe for long-term storage, in particular, several containers in Delphine's secret basement room that become available once A Blade in the Dark has been completed. All of the containers in the basement room except the barrel are safe for storage—namely two chests and three sacks. Therefore, the chest where your equipment is placed during Diplomatic Immunity is safe.

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Breezehome is totally safe to store items in the open or in containers. If you are a collector and a display fanatic (like I am) who wants to display armor and other collectables in their house then may I recommend the following mods?


http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/8635 - Advanced Mannequins. I use this in Breezehome (and other homes) to display armor and they do not move, do not disappear and are easy to place and use. If something does go wrong, there is a reset button in the mod that fixes problems quickly.


http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/13586 - Decorator Assistant. This allows you to place pretty much any object on a shelf or display case easily and most items do not move once placed. This mod still has a slight problem with certain staffs and dragon claws that once placed they slowly move, but it is very useful in placing objects in the house. I recommend the SKSE version as it is very easy to use.


http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/3562 - more interactive items. This allows the player to pick up and collect certain items in the game that cannot be picked up in the vanilla game.


Have fun.

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Oh, thanks for the tips, Tidus44. I wasn't aware there was a Decoration Assistant for Skyrim - I used it extensively in Oblivion. I wonder why there are so few endorsements, though, in Oblivion having that option was a lifesaver (or at least sanity saver) for "Must Display Trophies!"-maniacs like me. Maybe Skyrim's is buggy?

@Dohkaviin: You can leave stuff hanging around (over tables and such, not in proper displays where they get fixed) but upon reloading they'll probably be on the ground or thrown around randomly. Even inside glass displays, you can put stuff, close the lid and then it may appear on the ground the next time you enter the cell. So something like the Decorator Assistant is necessary to keep stuff in place, like in Oblivion. I'll take a look around if it's buggy and maybe try it today.

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So, if I store my shiny plate on the table... It will be gone? ...

No, but I don't consider armor lying on the table ... or floor ... to be on display. :wink:
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Hey Spock, stop being illogical. The plate he's talking about isn't armor. It's just that family heirloom Aventus gives you for reward for Innocence Lost.


Anyway, I find that displaying items works fine as long as you leave it where it falls. That's the tricky part. Getting it to fall in just the right position.

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