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Oblivion Won't Start


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I recently was playing oblivion without issues (other than some pink smoke which I fixed via downloading another texture mod). Below were the mods I had used...


Wyre Bash



Oblivion Stutter Remover

4GB RAM Patcher




Elys Universal Silent Voice

Custom Enhanced Camera

Diagonal Movement


OBL Mod Limit Fix

Unofficial Oblivion Patch

New Vegas Anti Crash

Floating Weapons Fix

Oblivion Upscaled Textures

DLC Upscaled Textures
Really Textured Normal Maps
Improved Doors and Flora
Improved Trees and Flora
Improved Trees and Flora 2
Far Cry Grass Expanded
Let there be flowers
Enhanced Vegitation
Oblivion 2020 Retexture Project
Arena redone
VKVII Oblivion Imperial City
Immersive Interiors (all those within)
Lights of Oblivion
Since then, I have downloaded the following:
Pick Me
Maskars Oblivion Overhaul
Mythic Animals High Res Part 1 & 2
Mythic Creatures
Improved Fruit & Vegetables
Tree Bark HD Reduced
High Res Pewter
Whenever I now try and start the game, it immediately crashes after the initial menu (where you click play & have other options). The windows box comes up saying "Oblivion has stopped working". It does not make it to the Bethesda screen.
I have run the mods through Tes4Edit & subsequently via Boss. I cannot see any conflicts (red) on Wrye Bash... Not really sure what's going on. I'm brand new to this, so any advice would be really appreciated.
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As the game worked before you installed the last 9 mods, try to remove one in a time and I do suspect OGBE so start with that one first. LOOT might give you hints as well as Striker did mention it. I use MOO and WAC combined and they work great together but first turn off the last mods you added but leave MOO activated to start with.

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