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CREATION KIT and invisible object


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hi to all,
i started modifying the mesh of an armor from another mod, then testing it into skyrim and all was ok.
then i tried to use CK to edit that armor and let it use the biped object #44 instead of the usual #32 for armor.
i also tuned down the armorValue of this object.


so i
1) open CK and load the armor mod i just modified;
2) duplicate the armor instance i desidered;
3) edit the armor and change biped object, weight, name, id and crafting material;
4) duplicate the old corresponding armorAddOn instance;
5) edit the armorvalue, check the mesh path and change biped object;
6) save the new .esp and try it in-game.


the idea was simply to let the dovakhin wear a jacket over an armor but, when in game, no armor was shown.
my armor rating goes up, i'm encumbered as i'm wearing an armor but mesh doesn't show.
why in the hell?

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Because you didnt change the body slot in the related nif file. They have to be the same - both the nif file and the CK value have to be identical to show up ingame.


Remark: As of the choice of the bodyslot you intend to use - not a smart idea imho - see why:

  • 44 - face/mouth
  • 45 - neck (like a cape, scarf, or shawl, neck-tie etc)
  • 46 - chest primary or outergarment

46 seems more appropriate for what your intention is than 44 - which is a face slot and is definitly used by others already for masks

Edited by dwiss
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You need a programme called nifscope to look into the inside of those nif files - do a search here for a description and a link.

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Its the BSDismemberSkinInstance - there is a list of bodyparts in that node. You should probably watch one of tutorials first before fiddling with entries you dont know yet :wink:


The series from Nightasy is really great for that as it actually aims at people who havnt done stuff like that before at all

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Hey Scompatimentofumatori,


You need to make sure the same slot number for body part is applied both in the armoraddon AND in the armor in the CK - uncheck the "32" (main body full armor) and check another slot, like 46 (but this is used for cloaks in case you use them too) or 57 (shoulder). And you also need to change the partition number in the item's BSdismemberskin instance in Nifscope, and you need to do this for both versions of your armor piece, the _0.nif and the _1.nif.


It seems I've been doing yesterday exactly what you were trying to do with the Iron Pauldron - I separated it from the rest of the armor in 3ds Max, imported it in Nifscope and assigned it to slot 57 both in the CK and in Nifscope, so my character can wear it on top of other armors. Only difference is I want mine visible. Actually, if your only purpose is to have an invisible item over your armor to increase overall armor rating, why do you bother isolating a pauldron? Why not use a simple Vanilla piece, like Ragged pants for instance?


I can only agree with Dwiss here, check Nightasy's amazing tutorials, he taught me a lot!.. ;) You can also check FavouredSoul's tutorial in the forum: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/576983-tutorial-assign-meshes-to-new-body-parts/

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In your nifscope application you load your nif file and open up the sub nodes to your NiNode. Below the NiTriShape object you will find the BSDisMemberSkinInstance - look here:



In the lower part you see the body parts section - thats where the body slot is defined then. As i said and i repeat - you are dealing with stuff you are not really feeling safe with yet - you should start with the basics first as in the tutorials - its really helpful and you will have more fun doing it right from start.


Edited by dwiss
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Couldn't agree more with Dwiss, honestly it's very easy to make mistakes even in Nifscope. Even though Nighstasy makes a fantastic job at teaching us the basics, there's still a lot to discover on your own afterwards, believe me ;)


Anyway, as Dwiss says (and shows) up here, the body part can be found in the very last line of the partitions details in the block detail attached to the BDDismemberSkinInstance.


Before you assign any slot, you should also check what other slots you do NOT want to use in case some other parts of your equipment already use them. Check that topic too: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/556424-body-part-ids-for-unused-biped-nodes-consensus/

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