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Intresting thought of new gameplay?


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Postive criticism is fine, but your acting like its a complete and utterly bad idea. How old are you?



Firstly, how old are you? That makes absolutely no sense.

Secondly, it's not "Oblivion game", the series is called "The Elder Scrolls". There's five of them.

Thirdly, it wouldn't be an Elder Scrolls game if it was like Assassins Creed. Certain games have certain styles, and we play The Elder Scrolls because we like a certain style.

Your age is relevant because I would understand your thought process if you're under 13 years old.

You proposed an idea, and I thought it was awful. If you can't handle criticism, keep your thoughts to yourself.

Edited by Ulysses2074
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Sounds like you want a AC game in fantasy setting more so than a TES game. You might have a better chance to suggest that idea to AC board after they run out of historical era to trash. Or, maybe what you really want is a sandbox Dishonored, but at any rate, the idea you described have a far fatter chance to be realized in a none TES game than it would.

Physics is wacked, for sure, but if each object have weight, material, physics applied to... Good luck running it with current hard wares. For example, even most phyx engine enabled game has a handful of gimicks, i.e. window shattering, paper flying, and even with just a few objects it will take a performance hit (3-5 FPS in Batman:AC on a top rig) imagine now you want it on everything... And how real are you going for ? Objects effects by wind ? Fireball spell decrease in size with lower air pressure ? Lightning spell fizzle when moisture in air achieve certain point ? Weight changes depends on object is wet or not ? Not only would it be taxing for the system it would also be taxing for 'entertaining values'. Imagine a Hollywood film without Hollywood magic... I would be happy with object flying around less and live in a world where games are just entertaining.


Sounds more like you want a sandbox dishonored or a fantasy AC than TES game

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Good luck running it with current hard wares. For example, even most phyx engine enabled game has a handful of gimicks, i.e. window shattering, paper flying, and even with just a few objects it will take a performance hit (3-5 FPS in Batman:AC on a top rig) imagine now you want it on everything... And how real are you going for ?

True it would be very hard for the current systems but, just for example the ps4 is about 15 times faster, stronger, and will be able to do more. Plus the Ps4 has a second processor that could process graphics before its ever needed.


( another quick thought or rant I have)

Plus right now type amazing graphics for skyrim and you'll see gameplay that is 50 times better then vanilla graphics, textures, some physic tweaks, and other crazy affects people have added to a game. I just hope the next game has a more choose-able graphics settings, like borderlands you could pause the game switch the game setting then contiue. Plus I think that the game developer should make mods for the game more frequently too.

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As limiting as your options are, it is possible to change the game difficulty.


If Bethesda care about making money, what they'll do is make the biggest, most appealing DLC appear within two or three weeks at most of the release for the vanilla game. Somehow, I doubt this is about money, though. I'm starting to wonder what it is that drives Bethesda (other than the need for more beer, of course).

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