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NPCs, Player Toons and Ugly Sticks


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I notice that a good many players prefer personal toons and mod npcs that seem to be inspired by Anime, Cosmo, and Playboy. Now, I'm EXTREMELY attracted to the physiology of the beautiful ladies that appear in those publications...it's the whole hetero-testostero reflex reaction don'cha know. Further, in my own personal lake manor, wiz tower, hunting shack environs I find that populating any and all with attractive toons is a great mood enhancer...dialogue gets old, but various bobbles, etc. never do. Of course, I'm referring to clothing optional here.


HOWEVER, having said all that, I'll also add that the companions in question live a hard, hard existence in Skyrim. They did before I recruited them and they do when they follow my guy out and about the vicious and very chancy world of the Elder Scrolls. With that in mind I've got to say that cutesy, cutesy just doesn't get it...at least for me. I much prefer haggard faces, scar tissue, some hair, fairly defined muscle, and so on. In a good of many of my mod npc dls I notice that a fair number of the original looks wind up being modified by my texture and body preferences so that they beome far less centerfold airbrush attractive and much more hard bitten. Probably purely fortuitous but I like it that way.



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I'm with Adipose on this.

I prefer my character and followers (and all the NPCs they meet) to look like they belong in the world they inhabit.

for me to use anime inspired mods I would need a complete overhaul of Skyrim's graphics so that the environment was anime style.


as the environment isn't anime the mods I chose to play with aren't either

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Aye, I guess it just comes down to the fact that people like to enjoy the game in a different way. Some like to completely immerse themself into the world, and as a result, prefer their companions to be as fitting, and as realistic as possible, whilst others just want to be the total badass that kills every dragon, finishes every quest and romances every beautiful woman in Skyrim ;D

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And that's why the world needs more single player RPGs. :happy:



although I wouldn't mind a RPG with co-op multi player so instead of followers I have companions

That'd be pretty cool. Something similar to Fable's co-op system, without the being tethered to each other with an invisible rope, and the childish nature of Fable would be pretty sweet. Just imagine RPing in a co-op version of Skyrim. Awesome.

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