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Merging multiple esp's?


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I've been recently going through my load order trying to figure out a way to lessen the amount of plugins that are loaded and had a thought.


I've noticed with alot of mods, you have alot of optional esp's. Now these mostly consist of DLC dependancy which is fine as most won't have all DLC's or will have 1 and not the others and so on but what about people who have them all. Is there a way to sort of merge all these plugins together into one?


Take for example Atlas Map Markers, here's all the plugin's I have in my load order for that mod...


Atlas Map Markers.esp
Atlas Dawnguard.esp
Atlas Hearthfire.esp
Atlas Dragonborn.esp
Atlas Blackreach.esp


I mean that's 5 esp's just for 1 mod. Say Bethesda releases 2 more DLC, now that increases to 7 and there are many other mods that do the same. You get 10 or so mods doing this, that's 50-70 plugins alone. That's alot when you think about it. So is there a way to kind of merge multiple plugins for a single mod into one to aleviate this sort of thing and if so is it safe to do?


As I said before, I understand why author's do this and there isn't any resentment for them doing this but I am just curious if there's a way to cut down the amount of loaded plugins.

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