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SKSE Fixes Help


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I need some help with the SKSE fixes mod. I have installed part 1 and enabled it in my mod menu. I installed part 2 but made sure to put it into my skyrim directory. I also installed the addess library to my mod organizer, and the microsoft c++ thing. However, when I enable them all, and launch, the error:


REL/Relocation.h(449): failed to obtain the module handle


shows up. If anyone could help that would be great. Also I'm new to this, so if it's something a bit more complicated I have to do, a thorough explanation would be appreciated. Thanks!

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You don't use a Mod Manager to install the Microsoft C++ library, you double click on it to install it

I installed it, and then it made me restart my PC, I didn't install it to my mod manager. Apologies for not making that clear




What do you mean you "Installed the Address Library to your Mod Organizer?"


Did you install it so it shows up in the Data\Skse\Plugins folder like you're supposed to?

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