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The Creepy Cull of Female Protagonists


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2. The modding community has released a flood of female character options and companions compared to that released for males.

Seriosly, 99.9% of these things are for people playing around with a virtual barbie doll. Hairspray hairstyles, bikini armors and so on.


You wanna know why there ain't much female protagonists? Because its unreliable. In most of the games the protagonists is in the typical role of a warrior, woman ain't unreliable in such a role. But anyway goes it more and more this way. In Skyrim, for both DLCs Dawnguard and Dragonborn the person who is necessary for your ongoing and helping you is a chick. First the Vampire chick, than that ultra masculine valkyre from the skaal village. And who of you had seen the new Tomb Raider game? I mean, come on! I this game the men are cowardly, traitors, evil, cruel or the calm big brother type or daddy figure, but helpless without warrior princes Lara to aid them.

Imagine Max Payne would be a woman. Its all unreliable because women, no matter what time, didn't do great things at all. Never. They never invented things, they never won wars, they never rescued people, they didn't prevent catastrophes, nothing of this at all. Even their sports deal with lesser requirements than the real sports. So what would make a woman a better protagonist than a man?


Are you done just bashing women in general? If not, then take yourself off this site before I do it for you. Your attitude towards women as a whole is both absolutely pitiful and seriously misinformed.

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Are you done just bashing women in general? If not, then take yourself off this site before I do it for you.

Are you realy threating me because you don't like the points i make and not violating the rules?

Now i get threatend for making legitimate points faceing upcoming affirmativ action for videogame characters.


They don't make games where female characters experience inter-personal, because guys wouldn't buy them. Why should i buy such a game? Shoot em up elemants ain't enough to convince me. And why should women buy them? Women ain't a big buyer group compared to men when it comes to videogames, even if 70% of the worlds money spend for consume is spend by women. Maybee the industry can lure them with some romeo and julia move style make of.



You gave me two examples of women doing math and two links summon me to google things. Big thing in worlds history.

No, they never won wars. They had the role to protect tempels and so when the man were gone, but they never won wars, because no war ever was primarily fought by women. Normaly they stay at home and nag about the rationing of choclate and when nylon socks will be available again or lowering the defense preparedness of the NAVY through STDs.

Edited by Boaresa
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Are you really that short sighted? Your "points" aren't even valid in modern society.


Your entire attitude and manner of post reeks of sexist overtones, you are determined to paint women as weak beings that have no place in the front row, whether virtual or real. It's obnoxious and severely outdated.


No, they never won wars.




Without the women providing the support and efforts they did during those times, then the Men would have had nothing to win with either.


Normaly they stay at home and nag about the rationing of choclate and when nylon socks will be available again or lowering the defense preparedness of the NAVY through STDs.


Perfect example of what I mean - you have a lousy view of women, and it has no place here.

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Your "points" aren't even valid in modern society.

Thats a relativistic statement about what you understand as a modern society.



Without the women providing the support and efforts they did during those times, then the Men would have had nothing to win with either.

Oh i knew these claims would come up. The Majority of the war related work was still done by men. To important for service, working in strategic industries, to old, to weak or wounded. They were still the majority carrieng the burden.

But lets think of a Call of Duty - Warfare related work just for the Fun of it were you sit in a ammunition factory and have to press primers into bullets for 2 1/2 hours before running around the streets spreading white feathers and hold the X-Button to call a 16 year old coward because he didn't enlist.


Perfect example of what I mean - you have a lousy view of women, and it has no place here.



I'am sorry that you think all women are loving and careing as your mother and those who scratch on that cute little illusion have to be silenced.

Edited by Boaresa
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Boaresa's irrelevant gender bashing has gone on long enough - there's no place for it here, and I won't let it continue - my apologizes for letting it last as long as it did.


He has since been removed. Ignore his comments as best you can and carry on with the discussion - if the OP wishes, I'll hide the comments upon request if it's causing an issue still.

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Blimey. :blink:


I'm the O.P and I'd rather his posts stayed, they're a perfect example of the Neandertal attitude that is sadly all too common these days. He should have been corrected on "Women ain't a big buyer group compared to men when it comes to videogames", the ESA say "Forty-seven percent of all game players are women. In fact, women over the age of 18 represent a significantly greater portion of the game-playing population (30 percent) than boys age 17 or younger (18 percent)." Which brings me back to my original point, why are publishers pandering to teenage boys when they represent a smaller percentage of the market? it doesn't make sense,

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Interesting statistics Jim. I was unaware that even in computer gaming, nearly half the players of computer games are now women, and that they outnumber teen boys by almost 2-1, so I happily stand corrected on my own posts thoughts that teen boys were the largest gaming group. However, game companies may still have the same perception I had about teen boys being the largest gaming group, and that could explain their catering to the teen boys gaming expectations, which includes a smaller number of female protagonists.

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Perhaps it has to do with ability to roleplay. In games where gender is not an option, such as Tomb Raider, if a guy wants to play the game, he has to play as a girl. Now, I am a woman, so I'm only speculating here, but maybe it is hard for a male to roleplay as a female.


If publishers are only concerned with selling, then placing a woman on the cover of the game may decrease the likelihood of teenage boys (the supposed target audience) buying the product, at least subconsciously. If he feels the game is specifically targeted towards females, he'll pass on it.


On the other hand, the ability of females to step into a male role might be easier. Personally, I did not care that the art of Skyrim focused on a male hero. I bought it anyway.


I think that the box art is focused on retaining young males as buyers, and that's about it. Perhaps the inclusion of females on the covers of games actually started to turn younger males away?

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