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Custom new body mesh?


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Hey guys, i'm having issues with a new body mesh that i'm working on.

It's just a simple vertex modification of the male body mesh made with 3ds max, i'm trying to make a fatter version of it.

My problem is when i export the body from 3ds max and put directly on the game resulting in a invisible body.

My questions are : What settings should i use when importing/exporting .nif files in 3ds max? What have i to do with Niftools after exporting the mesh?


Thanks in advance.

(sry for my english)

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TRSsjk - Hello!


I'm sorry, I don't use 3DMax so I can't be of detailed help.


I know you use a 3DMax/Niskope plugin found here:




There's import/export guides & other info here:




There's another guide that may be of help "3ds Max exporting custom assets" here:




Hope this helps!



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  • 4 weeks later...

To check your model with Nifskope, compare it to the original .nif that you got the mesh from. From your description it MIGHT be a case of texture or material settings, so look in these areas first. Just open both at once in separate windows and flip back and forth to check.


As for settings to use in 3ds Max, I would suggest looking for tutorials with descriptions and/or screenshots of them. Also, search the Net for docs on the niftools plugin that have info on each of the flag's purposes.

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