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7d2d Mod Install Hilfe, ohne das der Client es extra laden muss /\ Start Klassensystem ( Starter Class System) & Custom Perks - Prestige Skil


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ich würde gerne ein Start Klassensystem (Starter Class System) & CustomPerks auf meinem Server Alpha 19.3 install, ohne das der Client es downloaden muss.

Beispiel install mod Starter Class System & Custom Perks - Prestige Skills


Hoffe das Ihr mir helfen könnt. 263a.png



I would like to install a Starter Class System & CustomPerks on my server Alpha 19. 3 without the client having to download it.

Example install mod Starter Class System & Custom Perks - Prestige Skills


I hope you can help me. 263a.png

Excuse my bad english


Edited by Aragonya
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Whatever you do, you'll ALWAYS have to download whatever you want to install. This isn't about magic, it's about getting files onto your computer/server/whatever and integrate outside software into software that's on the device you're using. Unless the game is on some sort of cloud (not physically present on any device), you're bound to having to download and install whatever extension/mod/DLC you want to use. If the game is on a cloud, then the items/software you want to integrate don't need to be downloaded since the integration happens outside of your own hard- and software. But a form of download will have to happen, otherwise you won't be able to see what's going on. The moment you see something on your screen, it has been downloaded.


Ich hoffe ihren English ist güt genüg um zu verstehn was ich meine. Alles güte.

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Hello JimmyRJump ,

Well that's not right , because I've played on a few servers that had similar mods on it without the client having to download it.

Quote from another site:


( "In case you want to avoid these things, try to stick to mods that do not require install on clients or change the game files.


Mods that require to change game files (mostly .dlls ) need to be copied to game install dir with(!!) overwriting exiting files. [server and client side]


Mods (that only go into the Mods Folder) with "UIAtlases" & "Resources" folders need to be installed on Server and client side.


Mods (that only go into the Mods Folder) without "UIAtlases" & "Resources" folders don´t, they get pushed to the client while starting the game." )


I have about 10 mods on my server without
"UIAtlases" & "Resources" folder and there the client / user does not need to load them

either i haven't found the right 2 mods yet or there must be a way to edit them so that the two folders "UIAtlases" & "Resources" are not needed.

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