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My bloody farm animals, a bunch of stalkers...

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My farm animals, they sometimes surround me, at some points 10 of them and they follow every step I take. Only way to get rid of them is to flee indoors, slaughter them or do evp at them. I could make a spell that cast area evp. I can also setup another trigger that do evp when we enter the farm, but I think it might be better to solve the cause of this behaviour intstead.


They are members in their own faction that likes the playerfaction with 30 points


My cows has Aggro 5 Conf 20 Energy 40 (They still walk very fast) and 0 resp

Hens 2 - 20 - 65 - 0

Sheep 5 - 5 - 60 - 0

Rooster 10 - 50 - 55 - 0


The sheep never follows me, just cows, calves, Hens, pigs and chickens, but never the Roosters. I do have 2, but one is placed outside the farm and is summonable even so when you dispel him, he returns to that spot again as roosters tend to fight each others, well in RL at least. ;)


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My "house guest" NPCs (i.e. befriended bandits/marauders/conjurers and necromancers) have the same behavior, at least to some extent. My guy will sit down to take a load off for a while and they just love to come over for a chat (well the ladies do enjoy showing off their dance moves too). It doesn't even to seem to make much difference what their disposition is towards the player either (I like to leave some with an intense dislike for the player as well as some who think the player is the greatest guy to grace all Tamriel so that I get a nice wide range of comments/snide remarks).


Now with these NPCs they will also wander off and have their own conversations amongst themselves or execute their assigned packages.


Do your critters have just a single wander package, or do they have ones that assign a wander at different locations from time to time?

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Well I did check Continue if PC Near as I thought that would just make them ignore the player and not do the aware idle. So, someone wrote ones: Do not check anything in the AI if you are not sure you know what the effect will be. :D

It so damn cool and I like that a lot that the NPC's interact with each others, even if their conversations are so damn stupid mostly. :D

My critters have 3 packages for immersion:

  • Sleep between 0-6 - 100f at CS location
  • Find an ingredient 3 days a week between 6-14, must complete, Value 2
  • Wander any - 512f at CS location

So from start, the calves and pigs do like to sleep at the backdoor to the house, making it impossible to pass them without pushing them and then they get annoyed and go back and sleep at that very spot again which is a bit fun really as it is also unexpected. What is it they do like at that door? It is a stair leading to the door and maybe they are set to prefer sleeping on an object instead of at the dirt path on the ground? This is just a theory but to many critters like that spot to be a coincidence. Their spawn points are close by but not that close.


Striker: I have mention this before but I will make it possible for the player to choose a package schedule for the whole house and surroundings, both individual and also for the whole team. A spell that is already made will make it possible for you to add friends to the house and also delete friends and then you can use the houses AI packages at them. This will be extremely fun to make and if it works as intended, the house will be a funnier place to visit. I also made a spell to not only summon your companions but also travel to them, to see what they are up to for this special reason. :smile:

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In my experience NPCs (including at least dogs ... I rescued Pumpkin from that tent in Rockmilk Haven to keep Mazoga company at White Stallion Lodge, along some of the aforementioned "new friends") have an absolute affinity for doorways or any other "choke points" in an area. They quite simply can't not stand there.


The only thing I could suggest in the case of your critters is to try moving their editor locations a bit further away. Another idea is to place a marker where you'd like the group to sleep and give their sleep package that marker with a moderate radius (then the "fun" will be watching them all want to be "the guy" who gets the ground zero location).


I have Pumpkin sleeping close to where Mazoga usually picks to sleep (they bunk down at the same time, except Pumpkin is an old girl and also needs her naps ... she prefers the wolf pelt by the door for those). Her sleep package is for the marker I placed with a small radius (about 10 or so if I recall correctly) yet she will always go right to the marker. The small radius makes it less likely she'll get up and move back if an NPC happens to push her away from the marker while they do their usual mill about.


You don't need to sweat giving very much "random behavior" to NPCs/critters ... the game engine comes pre-equipped in that regard.

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Very good idea to give Mazoga a pet really. Yes Sir Mazoga. :) Who can ever dislike that Orc? I think she is among the coolest NPC's in game.


I do not mind that they do this really as I do have a front door to use and also a spot marked with one of my many mark and recalls as I was first just so surprised when I did notice it, the first night with my critters :D

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