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BSA unpacking - I think I fudged something (game doesn't load)


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So, I remember, a few years back, unpacking BSAs, so that I can replace specific, individual (vanilla) textures, but also for loading more quickly. I thought I did it the same way this last time but apparently I did not. So what I did was unpack the BSAs to the Data folder, but now when I load any save the game immediately crashes after a few seconds in the load screen. Was there another app I needed to use to make Skyrim SE load the unpacked files?

Edited by BrunKuMelk
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So, I remember, a few years back, unpacking BSAs, so that I can replace specific, individual (vanilla) textures, but also for loading more quickly. I thought I did it the same way this last time but apparently I did not. So what I did was unpack the BSAs to the Data folder, but now when I load any save the game immediately crashes after a few seconds in the load screen. Was there another app I needed to use to make Skyrim SE load the unpacked files?


Nope, but if you want to replace specific textures/meshes, why not just override the files in the BSA with a loose file instead of unpacking the entire BSA?


Yes, I read the part about "loading more quickly"

Well, since I began playing Skyrim on PC, back around 2012, there's always been one issue I cannot to this day combat...vampire eyes.

There's a crap ton of custom vampire eyes, but for the life of me every time I've ever used one (even if they are last to load) the moment I quit out of the game and load back in, the eyes are back to default (red) vampire eyes. This is whether I use Lok's eyes, Eyes of Beauty, Fangs and Eyes etc. No matter which I select in racemenu, once I either go into vampire lord form and revert out, or log out of the game they are back to default. The way I combated this in the past was by replacing the original vampireeyes01.dds and vampireeyes02.dds files with the specific one I want. That insures it sticks, but at the cost of every other single vampire in the game having the same eyes. You can't access the vampireeyes01.dds and vampireeyes02.dds without unpacking the BSAs, as far as I'm aware.

Edited by BrunKuMelk
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I'm guessing don't unpack ALL BSAs, or mods will not work. If you only need to change the default Dawnguard-based vampire eyes only unpack the vanilla BSAs...which includes for the DLC. I'm guessing after unpacking ALL the BSAs the mods that rely on them became broken and their plugins could no longer find them. It could be that by not launching through a mod manager fixes this (for the vanilla game), but I don't know. Edited by Graelock
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