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[WIP] Russell, a new companion by Someguy

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Guest deleted2159825

Weekly Update:

- About 1/3 of Russell's VA is fully implemented. I estimate the final release will have at least 600 lines of dialogue, perhaps more.
- Almost finished an enormous dungeon (presented in three cells), Cholla Mountain, which is inspired by the real-life Yucca Mountain (which was in the Van Buren docs if memory serves). It features several exciting, scripted events that should hopefully surprise and challenge the player. I've certainly enjoyed designing and testing the level.
- Thanks to the SomeguySeries.esm, Russell now has unique dialogue that applies to other mods, including New Vegas Bounties II and The Inheritance.
- I managed to reverse-engineer Cass' regional bark script, so Russell now makes periodic observations when idle or traveling through specific locations/regions. I'm working to include enough lines so that he doesn't get too repetitive.

That's about it - most of this weekend was spent on Cholla Mountain. It's reminiscent of the metro system in FO3, but with a bit more carnage and radiation (it is a nuclear waste disposal site, after all). If you think the reactor battle in The Inheritance was intense, just wait... :wink:

One last thing - I've written in some interesting moral dilemmas for Russell's quest. I look forward to sharing them in the finished product!

Edited by someguy2000
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I've just about wrapped up "Cholla Mountain", which turned into a lengthy dungeon dive, with no shortage of radiation and ferals. Considering the mountain's proximity to The Divide, other creatures could manifest as well...


After reviewing the notes, I estimate there will be six speaking roles, aside from Russell. Here's a preliminary list:


1. Vickers: A former Desert Ranger and mentor to Russell, now a homeless addict residing in freeside. Caucasian, male, neutral/rustic accent, 50's-60's.


2. Hendershot: A paranoid ghoul who resides deep within Cholla Mountain, only emerging to sell weapons to select customers. Ghoul, male.


3. Finley: A slick, self-serving Khan who maintains business ties with Glanton. Caucasian, male, neutral accent, 20's-30's.


4. Ross: The gruff, pragmatic mayor of "Caruthers Canyon", who hires Glanton in the hopes of driving out a troublesome tribe. Caucasian, male, neutral/rustic accent, 40's-50's.


5. Glanton: An infamous scalp-hunter outlawed for his brutal methods in dealing with tribals and raiders, but beloved by NCR settlers for his effectiveness in pacifying the frontier. Caucasian, male, neutral/rustic accent, 40's-50's.


6. Titus Vulcanus: A sadistic centurion who prides himself on the use of flame-based weaponry. His centuria also makes extensive use of Flamers and Shiskebabs. Caucasian/Hispanic, male, neutral accent, 50's.

Edited by someguy2000
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Guest deleted2159825

Cholla Mountain sounds awesome! I can't wait to battle my way through another irradiated, ghoul-infested labyrinth. :smile:

Ghouls might not be the worst thing lurking in those corridors... :devil:


On a side note, by trying to make maximum use of the Metro architecture, I discovered a bevy of unused models in the NV .bsa's. I'm hoping to include more FO3-style subway systems in the future. I only hesitate because Las Vegas is not known for its subway system. We'll see. At the least, I could continue employing it as part of the government's old nuclear material/weapons transfer system.

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Oooh! Do that one. Very fallout-y, a perfect fit even.


On a sidenote, so Cholla Mountain uses the Metro architecture? How does that work out, by which I mean, how do you make it look not like a train station? It's been a while since I played Fallout 3, and even longer since I crawled through D.C.'s subway tunnels.

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Guest deleted2159825



Oooh! Do that one. Very fallout-y, a perfect fit even.


On a sidenote, so Cholla Mountain uses the Metro architecture? How does that work out, by which I mean, how do you make it look not like a train station? It's been a while since I played Fallout 3, and even longer since I crawled through D.C.'s subway tunnels.


Cholla Mountain is a blend of Metro, utility, and cave architecture, with some tricky transitions along the way, but it works. I might as well share some images:


Russell, Guts and I working through the tunnels:



Bridge to nowhere (still a WIP):



Underground station:


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Guest deleted2159825

My god... It's the Mines of Moria. Except, you know, in Fallout. At any rate, nice, looks like a rather fun dungeon to crawl through. I particularly like that bridge to nowhere.

Thanks! That bridge has an encounter that is simply... intense. ;)

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After a sixteen-hour session (that I'm wrapping up as I pen this post at 4:15 a.m.), I'm pleased to report that the bulk of Russell's quest content is in place. All that remains is the final act, set entirely in a new worldspace, "Caruthers Canyon". Here are some screenshots (sorry, no LOD yet, and it's a WIP):










I also managed to make a breakthrough in some scripting techniques that will be a major boon to Firebase Zulu's battles. Thanks for the support!

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