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[WIP] Russell, a new companion by Someguy

Guest deleted2159825

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If it's anything like what I just scripted, the attacking NPC's will be cleaned up about 10 seconds after death, except for the last wave, who will either be disabled/marked for delete in quest scripts, or be cleaned up after an hour (in a siege, the player needs opportunities to scavenge). We'll see, though - some of that could change, but the important thing is that it works. :smile:

One way to bypass scavenging could be to add items to a reward container or supply cache as enemies are killed so you can remove corpses and not care one way or the other. For each wave or enemy type survived specific items or a random list could be added to the container(s) for the player to access. I recall there's merchants added, you could reset their inventory as part of the ending script of a wave so if the player makes it to a vendor between waves they have the chance to resupply if that option logically works within the circumstances.

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In regard to the sapper thing, it certainly seems like something the Legion would do, considering how much they love to use dirty tactics.


I think the biggest issue is how to set up how those slaves willingly go through with basically being suicide bombers. I think what could work is a random event that happens about once during one of the intervals where the Legion sends out a group of slaves - and just slaves. Tied up, injured, stranded just outside of town where it would be considered No Man's Land. You could give the player a choice of either going out to help them (Or perhaps sending one of your allies out to check.) or just leaving them.


...And then it turns out one or more of those slaves are covered in tons of C4 underneath their rags. Unless you abscond ASAP or have a high enough explosives skill to defuse the C4, the slave's explosives are remotely detonated and could easily take you out. (Or whoever you might send out, which could be detrimental later on as you might lack the manpower they gave.) Maybe a few Legion scouts ambush you afterwards if you're somehow still alive to try and solidify the whole fact it was a trap.


If you manage to save the slaves, they could easily join up after getting patched up and later come back with armour and weapons to help fight during the final wave.


Of course, it's just an idea that you don't have to go through with, but it could help solve the issue of sappers.

Edited by BlooperReel
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Guest deleted2159825

One way to bypass scavenging could be to add items to a reward container or supply cache as enemies are killed so you can remove corpses and not care one way or the other. For each wave or enemy type survived specific items or a random list could be added to the container(s) for the player to access. I recall there's merchants added, you could reset their inventory as part of the ending script of a wave so if the player makes it to a vendor between waves they have the chance to resupply if that option logically works within the circumstances.

The merchant inventories will be affected by pre-battle sidequests, but I have also considered using Legion ears as an additional form of currency.



In regard to the sapper thing, it certainly seems like something the Legion would do, considering how much they love to use dirty tactics.


I think the biggest issue is how to set up how those slaves willingly go through with basically being suicide bombers. I think what could work is a random event that happens about once during one of the intervals where the Legion sends out a group of slaves - and just slaves. Tied up, injured, stranded just outside of town where it would be considered No Man's Land. You could give the player a choice of either going out to help them (Or perhaps sending one of your allies out to check.) or just leaving them.


...And then it turns out one or more of those slaves are covered in tons of C4 underneath their rags. Unless you abscond ASAP or have a high enough explosives skill to defuse the C4, the slave's explosives are remotely detonated and could easily take you out. (Or whoever you might send out, which could be detrimental later on as you might lack the manpower they gave.) Maybe a few Legion scouts ambush you afterwards if you're somehow still alive to try and solidify the whole fact it was a trap.


If you manage to save the slaves, they could easily join up after getting patched up and later come back with armour and weapons to help fight during the final wave.


Of course, it's just an idea that you don't have to go through with, but it could help solve the issue of sappers.

That is exactly what I had in mind for one of the random events during the siege.


The aforementioned scripting technique could also have applications for NVBII, in the form of an infinite bounty system involving generic NPC's (think "Fiend Chieftain", "Outlaw", "Bank Robber", etc.), spawned at random locations, with a new bounty every 48 hours. The only downside is that it might detract from the individual characterization associated with traditional, named targets.

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Guest deleted2159825

Weekly Update:

- Continued tweaking the defense of Silverwood

- There is a Rio Bravo / High Noon - esque sidequest wherein the player can attempt to recruit citizens to assist with the defense. I've really enjoyed designing it so far.

- I've added several characters:

- Mayor Brandon: The superficially cultured, yet highly profane leader of Silverwood. He is constantly embroiled in political plots and intrigues, but his entire belief system is shattered in the midst of the town's crisis. Reference:


- Sheriff Wayne [Can't remember last name]: The gruff, jingoistic enforcer for Brandon, he uses his station to bully locals and tout his supposedly storied past as a ranger. However, when a real threat emerges, he is nowhere to be found... Reference:


- Joe Briggs: Operates the saloon and maintains a strange obsession with classic sci-fi and horror films.

- Dobbs: The polite cripple who operates the general store.

- Miss Kat: The town's most prominent prostitute, Miss Kat is a tough, weathered lady who dispenses acerbic commentary and accepts no grief from customers or passers-by. Reference: Miss Kitty.

- Hobo Charlie: The brunt of much derision and abuse, Charlie may turn out to be more than just another town drunk...

- Barking Tree: Chieftain of the Sand Wolves, Barking Tree is respected for his physical bravery and leadership, though feared for his methods of torture employed on certain captives (particularly NCR settlers). Reference: Buffalo Hump (Comanche Moon).


There may be more on the way, but that's close to the final list (including those already mentioned in this thread). Once the main quest is wrapped up, I'll post detailed descriptions and samples for voice actors.


On the subject of the main quest, it's taking a bit to script it due to the branching narrative and range of choices afforded the player. I've been criticized as providing "No choices, only consequences", so this mod will reflect a concerted effort to provide distinct, meaningful options in the mod's final act. Thanks for the feedback and support!

Edited by someguy2000
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Any Mod you make automatically turns to gold someguy. Reading this thread I can say it sure sounds like a lot of fun and can't wait until it is finished! The wild west theme of this fits perfect with the bounties Mods will be downloading it as soon as I am able to!


Also would like to mention that I'm keeping my eye out for Fire Base Zulu as well! All of your Someguy series are my favorite Mods I have!

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Guest deleted2159825

Quick update:

- Progress continues, though RL has slowed me down a touch this week. However, I took time to put some screenshots together:


Militia at the walls (Russell in the background, to the left):



Town drunk letting loose with the Brush Gun (still working on the Joshua Trees' shitty LOD):



Legion charging the hill:



Defending the ramparts of Silverwood:



Thanks for the comments and feedback, everyone. I'm still plugging away at it, and I can't wait to release the finished product!

Edited by someguy2000
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Guest deleted2159825

These look very exciting!

Thanks! I also want to mention that the battle in question is one of two major choices in a branching questline; Legion-friendly players won't be compelled to kill their allies.


I'm just about to finalize the other "choice" in that quest, then I will begin finalizing Russell's script and dialogue. After that, the mod should be ready for testing - it will be a few weeks, though. Hang in there!

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Guest deleted2159825

It's time for another installment of "The Belated Update"!


Much of my time was invested in the meticulous scripting of the main quest's final act, which offers multiple, highly divergent endings. It could well be another week before I negotiate the pitfalls associated with such varied outcomes. After the endings are solidified, I'll work to polish and finalize Russell's dialogue and backstory, most of which is still buried in design notes.


Other items:

- Continued balancing the attack on Silverwood

- The player can now recruit five citizens to join the Silverwood Militia (and share equipment with them)

- Thanks to Tallcastle, the mod will be featuring new melee weapons

- There will be a retextured version of Gaius Magnus' armor made available, depending on the player's choices


Another issue that I'm grappling with is whether or not to include certain potentially offensive content. One of the mod's moral dilemmas involves the player choosing to save the town of Silverwood or the Sand Wolves tribe. If the Sand Wolves are left to their fate, the player is later prompted to witness the aftermath of their extermination - this includes the standard fare: dismembered corpses, heads on pikes, etc., but also something else:

dead infants

. This might be too much, and I'll admit I was repulsed by the results. However, I think it can serve to drive home the visceral brutality of the massacre; such events are usually smoothed over in vanilla gameplay as they involve only adults, and this will likely surprise players inured to violence in Fallout. Any thoughts? Is it too much?


Thanks for taking the time to peruse the post - I appreciate the feedback and support!


Addendum: While Russell himself is far from complete, I might be looking for testers to try out the main quest while I finalize the rest of the mod. If you're interested, please PM me.

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I think it can serve to drive home the visceral brutality of the massacre; such events are usually smoothed over in vanilla gameplay as they involve only adults, and this will likely surprise players inured to violence in Fallout. Any thoughts? Is it too much?

Just my opinion... This is likely why we have director's cuts of movies these days; You have a vision and since you have the ability to make that vision reality I'm guessing you may personally not be fully satisfied until that vision is realized. Flagging the mod as adult gives you carte blanche (within the accepted framework of the Nexus) to do all that you've described and those that don't like it are free to not download or endorse or whatever. On the other side of the coin, why alienate or antagonize those that might be a little more sensitive?


If folks don't want anthropomorphic ponies they don't download pony mods, if folks don't want animated prostitution or nude bodies they don't download the mod, if folks don't want quest mods that explore potential dark realities they're not forced to try them.


I think you're very well justified and within your rights to release with the attitude of "it is what it is, nobody's twisting your arm", but if what you're debating is "simply" the inclusion of specific slides in a final cutscene I would imagine it's not too difficult to include two dialog choices for the ending in question, one graphic and one tame. An alternate slide replacer version might also be feasible.


I've run into a similar dilemma in my own writing where I feel a sexually graphic scene is appropriate and called for; while the sexual content will be mostly textual and I can probably put it into general circulation with an adult flag I've decided that I'm going to post the full entry to the supporter's section merely because I believe it would be NSFW (not suitable for work) and I will probably post an extremely watered down placeholder version to the public section so folks that can't access the full version won't be left completely out of the loop.

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