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I have been fiddling around with ArchiveInvalidation and it is a bit messy.


I know Striker, I can do it all manully... :wink:


I do use OBMM ad Wrye Bash to handle my mods. I just have not cared much about it since 2008 and forgotten about it as it all works perfect at my game comp, for some off reason and now I want it to work perfect on my GF's comp.


I did read about the bugs about ArchiveInvalidation.txt but I did test it and vertices on HGEC did point in all directions and it is always the boobs that causes it. I also saw that HGEC installs a separate NIF for Boobs. I use the natural none nude version on my GF's comp and Natural Nude at home. All normal sized... :wink:


I did notice that the Coroneras skeleton did not load in the game, not until I did install it with OBMM as a OMOD and I did the same with HGEC Armor and Cloth exchanger and also did a Validation Redirection in OBMM but it did not update the armor in game. I did test some armor and with the skeleton proper installed. It looks normal now and all vertices is where they should be so far.


Is Archive Invalidation a good alternative? I do not mess with this more now until I got your thoughts. Is there anything I can add or delete in the Oblivion.ini as I do have this line:

Archive Invalidation

Some even suggested to put another bsa in front of the others at this row:

SArchiveList=X.bsa, ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa, Oblivion - Meshes.bsa, Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa, Oblivion - Sounds.bsa, Oblivion - Voices1.bsa, Oblivion - Voices2.bsa, Oblivion - Misc.bsa

Maybe I should load ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa last instead of first?


The game is working anyway, so no hurry.... :wink: It is just annoying that the vanilla stuff do not get exchanged with the HGEC stuff...

Edited by Pellape
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There are slight and subtle differences between some implementations of BSA Redirection (which is the recommended method to use, and is what OBMM, Wrye Bash and ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated all use by default). The differences come down to the exact file name for the "empty" BSA used to fool the game (I believe ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated and WB use the exact same file name ... it's OBMM that changes the empty BSA file name slightly from the one the other two use).


Why I bring this up is the other piece to the BSA Redirection puzzle ... the part of Oblivion.ini that lists the "empty" BSA before the vanilla BSAs. Can't say I ever recall reading anything about putting some other filename first ... but I'm certain you could use Google and find any and every advice possible in the known universe. Google is not my "top of the list" first choices (as you may get the impression).


The point is the file name listed in Oblivion.ini must match exactly the file name given the "empty" BSA, which can get messed up when you are trying OBMM as well as WB/ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated (a good part of the reason I rarely open OBMM anymore ... it commits whatever changes it thinks you wanted to do when it closes ... I'm the type who prefers a menu option saying "Yes I Want To Change This So Do It Now").

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I did just noticed I did had SkyBSA installed already :D

I delete the line


and I also removed ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa in the SArchiveList and it seems to work perfect. :D


It is a bloody jungle... ;)

Edited by Pellape
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Yes, never mix up different approaches to Archive Invalidation. And also remove all traits of earlier attempt whenever you try another. I think even now that you're using SkyBSA you should definitely remove the dummy BSAs of the other approaches and definitely any left-over "Archive Invalidation.txt".

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