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Changing the Water Surface


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I've spent like two hours googling everything I can possibly think of to find the answer, but I'm not familiar with any of it so I must resort to asking.


I was playing around with different texture mods and ENB's yesterday and the surface of my water became clear. It wasn't like my water had disappeared or anything, it just didn't have that nasty black surface color anymore.


After I cleared out my folder, I couldn't figure out which mod or combination of mods caused it, but to be honest I really loved it and I'd like it back. I googled it, and the only time I've really seen anyone mention it is when they're trying to fix the problem.


I'm not sure if it's a bug or part of something I installed, but is there a way to change it in my .ini files maybe? >:

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Sounds like you used the "Pure Waters" mod (?)


You may've also used a weather / lighting mod which also normally adjusts water colouring, but you should know if you used one of these or not.

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Like this and this? I like the look as well, as it looks more...realistic like that. There's a river flowing through my town, that's about as deep as the water around Riverwood is, and it's always that clear.


It's caused by the SSAO option in ENBs...probably all of them.

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