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Can not get Oblivion to run these mods - Please help


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Hello everyone,


as I'm really new to modding I would really appreciate your help.

To begin with sorry for my english as I'm not a native.


I am using wrye bash, obse and boss for the steam version of oblivion goty.


I managed to run most of the mods quite well but somehow I f***ked it up but I can not really find out how.

For further info: the mods attached below I can not run alltogether




Thank you all very much in advance.


Kind regards,

desperate newbie modder


P.S.: I got kinda confused with all the forums topics so I hope I'm posting this in the right section. PARDON ME.

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Yes you write at the right place. :smile:


First of all. Uncheck Better Cities as it sure gave me loads of problems. It looks fancy and is fancy but it might be better to run each of the cities separate from the original source but I see you do that so uncheck them and see if it makes a difference. When I tried it, I did it with MMM and as soon as I left IC market, my save games got corrupt.


I then looked through my mod list and took a deep breath. What do I need and what can I live without? Well I did find MOO and later WAC and I flushed Better cities and some other stuff. I forgot what but do as I did, uncheck what you really do not need.


I also installed

  • ENBoost (Fixes RAM and other stuff)
    • ENB v0.295
  • Performane Sounds
  • Enginebugfixes
  • SkyBSA

All those are searchable names at Nexus except ENB v0.259


zzEstrus is toggleable and I guess you do not use it daily? :wink:

Edited by Pellape
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first of all thank you for your reply.

Just one question regarding your suggestions: I could find MOO but as I'm pretty new to modding I could not find the abbrevation WAC mod you are referring to.


OK I understand. Till now I never had any issues with Better Cities but nevertheless I tried as you suggested and just toggled off every BC mod module. Unfortunately without reward. I even deleted the oblivion.ini under ..\MyGames\Oblivion\..., rebuilding Bashed Patch and run BOSS -> still not coming past the Bethesda Start video.

Should I maybe uninstall Better Cities completely or do you maybe see any other issues in my modlist?

Do you happen to know if there is a more stable alternative to BC?


As said before, thank you :D




Ohh and I didn't even know I've installed this mod... better turning it off right now :whistling:

Edited by daR3ALPUN1SH3R
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I might added the wrong link




..is the right one but you must fix your crashes first before trying those. Well MOO is made in a way so it might even solve some problems as Maskar makes things in a way I never seen anyone else do, not touching the cells in CS as it is all scripted and very well made.


What you need to do is to restart the game fresh if you uncheck BC and I do not think there is an alternative, except installing each part separate and maybe that is better as BC is a couple of mods smashed together into a single package and it is demanding. Many did get their problems solved by not running it. Try a new game. I had to restart fresh after I unchecked BC.

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Thank you.


Ok I tried now multiple times with BC and some other mods toggled off but the outcome is always the same. Start game from launcher, seeing the start of the Bethesta Logo an zapp... it's gone.

Now I've BC even completely uninstalled and still no improvement.

Can't even get to the main menu without crashing miserably...


I think I will just need to deinstall and install everything one by one again.


Could you maybe please help me one more time?

I would really appreciate if you could tell me which should be installed first and which mods should rather be installed latter?




Thank you i advance.

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The key thing to installing mods is to install one at a time and test thoroughly in between (or if one mod requires another to run you'll need to install the dependancies at the same time).


What this does is it gives you a good idea of how each mod affects your game performance wise, and more importantly when things go awry it will give you (and us) a good starting place for troubleshooting.


That said another great asset is the two readme files that come with Wrye Bash (WB) (found in the Oblivion\Mopy\Docs folder ... look for Wrye Bash General Readme.html and Wrye Bash Advanced Readme.html). There is a section that explains what WB is telling you with the colours and symbols.


For example in your second screenshot showing the Installers tab the pink box on Better Cities v6.0 tells us that some or all of the files in the package are not installed as configured and the + (plus) sign tells us that the package is installed. The plus sign and the pink box are not telling a good story for Better Cities as things stand right now.


Wrye Bash is a good tool ... I have used it myself to install some of my mods (I prefer to manually install, so most of my mods are installed that way). It is invaluable for it's bashed patch but like all mod managers you need to learn how to use the tool as well as learn how to install mods (and I'm afraid that none of the mod managers teach you that).

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Thank you for this.


I have both files always open when adding or changing mods but thanks for the tip ;)

I also found the reason why BC was pink -> I messed something up when rebuilding the Bashed Patch. I've already cleaned this mess.


And as I am writing this I think I found the troublemaker.


Has anyone of experience with the HUD Status Bars?

Because since I added it to my loadout the game crashes. I can not even tell if I have installed this one correctly because ther was no ReadMe.


I really do not know where I mess this up...

I will test even further to see if theres more which causes the crashes.


Thanks you two.

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I use HUD Status Bars (it's a must if you use Basic Primary Needs). Which theme did you choose (e.g. vanilla, Skyrim etc)?


- Edit - The readmes for HUD Status Bars are found on the 99 Docs\docs folder of the extracted download.

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I use HUD Status Bars (it's a must if you use Basic Primary Needs). Which theme did you choose (e.g. vanilla, Skyrim etc)?


- Edit - The readmes for HUD Status Bars are found on the 99 Docs\docs folder of the extracted download.

This are the plugins I've choosen:


00 Core

01 Vanilla Style

10 Optional Compass HUD base - Vanilla

20 - UVII addition Skyrim Style


And thanks found the readme but couldn't find a problem with my installation as I'm running it exactly like descripted...

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Don't think you can use your 20 - UVII addition Skyrim style with the vanilla base (but I could be wrong ... never messed with anything UV related before).


Just looked and it turns out I used WB BAIN to install HUD Status Bars (one of the dozen mods I've used WB to install) ... the only packages I have ticked is 00 Core and 01 Vanilla style. I believe if you want to use 11 Optional Orb Compass you will need to use 01 Orb style instead of 01 Vanilla style (likely the same with your 20 - UVII addition Skyrim style ... you would use that if you selected 01 Skyrim style instead of 01 Vanilla style).


- Edit - Installation instructions (admittedly a bit sparse) are found about halfway down HUD Status Bars readme.txt ... look for ========= (UN-)INSTALLATION

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