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Nice Place for Screenshoot?


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well, recently I've doing some screenshoot, and I find skyrim is a bit dull (with snows and pines and bears!)
and using tropical skyrim mod ... well, its not my taste because its overhauling the vanilla (skyrim is snow)
so my point is, is there any good place/home for screenshooting? I likely to find new dimension place and interiors, and not mod that modify the vanilla area


thank you! :D

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I would suggest you look around the Rift, as that has a lot of good rivers. Rivers are especially scenic, in particular, around just after sunrise or just before sunset. Of course, that's just my opinion on the matter. What's important is what you're looking for in a screenshot. If you compose it properly, I think you'll find that even dullness can have a kind of understated beauty. But the Rift is where you want to do screenshots if you want to see a lot of stuff going on.

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gsmanners : hhmm well I haven't explore rift forest actually, I'm only try following those roads, i'll try to explore it then, thanks for the tip :D
myztikrice : cant argue with the lighting, but objects and scenery is almost themed with tundra only, but I do love some small ponds on there

well, need more reference!! yeah!

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