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Problem with two of my mods


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Map Marker Overhaul and Enhanced Grabbing have been working fine, but eventually they started sending a lot of errors to console, and... Well, Map Marker Overhaul erased all my changes and tags that I placed on some map markers, and Enhanced Grabbing is constantly saying that it is unable to find INI file, while it is on its place.

What is terrifying me, is that on new save, everything is fine, there are no errors.
So, is there any way to stop/fix those errors on my previous save? Looking forward to any, any help from professionals (I am newbie here, sorry). Log is attached down here

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I do not use any of those 2 mods but I have seen the Let error message before as I have created that error myself while scripting and I can describe what I do think about when I see it, but it will not solve your problems. But I will try...


It is not that it cannot find the ini file as it is more what has been written in it. Arrays is like a drawer with several boxes and we can give the boxes 2 types of indexes. You either use names for each box or numbers but you can't mix them as those 2 works similar and still not. In this case the author did choose names to point out where each map location are and which icon to use I guess as that is the whole point with this mod and also to give it a name. But something prevents it to get the name from that ini file as a number is there in its place. So I guess it is corrupt


What you can do is to compare your ini file with the original in 2 Notepads side by side as ini files are just simple text files after all and many modders did make their ini files to be easy to read. You could also backup the old ones in case you do wanna try them again but you can also copy the ini file and show it to us in case it is completely screwed which I would see I guess or hope... :wink: I cant promise I will but I can peek at it anyway.


If you want it solved immediately, ucheck both mods and reinstall them from scratch. Login to the game after you unchecked them, save and logout. Activate the newly 2 fresh installed mods and login again and hopefully the problems gets solved. Be sure you also remove the ini files in between.


I think I tried it or a similar mod some months ago but I flushed it as it did not work 100% and it was the keys that didn't worked. Using keys in mods is something I have warned about as we do not have so many keys at a keyboard that would be needed as it would have been best if every modder that implements keys in their mod, should provide their own keyboards as well. :D The computer cant handle more then 1 anyway, well it can but it cannot differ between them really, not even at the year 2021... ;)


What I do wonder is really: What made the console to write: Îáíîâëåíèå ïàðàìåòðîâ èç when it read that ini file?? I also saw when it tried to read other ini files that it got çíà÷åíèÿ INI çàãðóæåíû which doesn't make any sense. I really wanna see those ini files. :D


Also if others have some other inputs to make, the custom is to provide a complete mod list, in case there would have been a mod in your list that is causing them.

Edited by Pellape
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I use a different mod that will sometimes go from working (and not filling the console screen with error reports) to doing just that ... spamming the console with errors. It's a pain in the backside as I use the console for other stuff quite often and the errors wind up scrolling my last console command off screen if I don't enter them all in a single console session.


What Pekka suggests is exactly how I resolve the problem. Deactivate the mod, start the game and make a save, reactivate the mod and all is well again.


I've narrowed it down for what causes the problem to start (it's a follower mod, and if the follower dies while following the console spam starts). Now whenever I have a follower die I know to either go back to a previous save and try whatever we were doing again or that I'll need to do the deactivate/save/reactivate thing.

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I do not use any of those 2 mods but I have seen the Let error message before as I have created that error myself while scripting and I can describe what I do think about when I see it, but it will not solve your problems. But I will try...


It is not that it cannot find the ini file as it is more what has been written in it. Arrays is like a drawer with several boxes and we can give the boxes 2 types of indexes. You either use names for each box or numbers but you can't mix them as those 2 works similar and still not. In this case the author did choose names to point out where each map location are and which icon to use I guess as that is the whole point with this mod and also to give it a name. But something prevents it to get the name from that ini file as a number is there in its place. So I guess it is corrupt


What you can do is to compare your ini file with the original in 2 Notepads side by side as ini files are just simple text files after all and many modders did make their ini files to be easy to read. You could also backup the old ones in case you do wanna try them again but you can also copy the ini file and show it to us in case it is completely screwed which I would see I guess or hope... :wink: I cant promise I will but I can peek at it anyway.


If you want it solved immediately, ucheck both mods and reinstall them from scratch. Login to the game after you unchecked them, save and logout. Activate the newly 2 fresh installed mods and login again and hopefully the problems gets solved. Be sure you also remove the ini files in between.


I think I tried it or a similar mod some months ago but I flushed it as it did not work 100% and it was the keys that didn't worked. Using keys in mods is something I have warned about as we do not have so many keys at a keyboard that would be needed as it would have been best if every modder that implements keys in their mod, should provide their own keyboards as well. :D The computer cant handle more then 1 anyway, well it can but it cannot differ between them really, not even at the year 2021... :wink:


What I do wonder is really: What made the console to write: Îáíîâëåíèå ïàðàìåòðîâ èç when it read that ini file?? I also saw when it tried to read other ini files that it got çíà÷åíèÿ INI çàãðóæåíû which doesn't make any sense. I really wanna see those ini files. :D


Also if others have some other inputs to make, the custom is to provide a complete mod list, in case there would have been a mod in your list that is causing them.

Thanks for support, I appreciate that much!


Well, I tried reinstalling them, and then installing again. Ain't helped. Going to play with that again, maybe it will help


As a professional, tell me... can the problem be with my save, is it corrupted somehow? Because when I start new save, there are no errors in console

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By the way, I don't think I can show you that ini files, because, well, they are in russian. Just translation, no changes to mod itself.

And yeah, Enhanced Grabbing not being able to see INI file while it is lying in Data folder seems to be the problem of the mod. There are a lot of reports on mod page, but no one solved it

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The translation is quite possibly the root of the problem. The mod (and it's ESP) is designed to read the INI file ... and it expects that INI file to be in it's original language.


Now that said you can still use the translated INI file as a reference for your own edits to values in the original version but that translated INI needs to be renamed so that the mod won't try to read it. If This_Mod.esp uses This_Mod.ini (and that mod is in English) then you could use Russian_Translation_This_Mod.ini as a reference to see what the entries in This_Mod.ini are for ... just be sure to make the changes you want to This_Mod.ini and leave yourself note about what you changed in Russian_Translation_This_Mod.ini (or you could even change a copy of This_Mod.ini to This_Mod.txt and translate that to Russian).

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Well it doesn't matter if it is in Russian or not really. I want to see it anyway... :wink:


By the way, my closest working companion was from Russia, he was former Soviet Volleyball player and took Europe gold 1982 for Soviet. He is Iouri Kouznetsov and came here 1989 and took Kungälv Volleyboll to victory and won the best Swedish player 1996-97 even. He became my partner 2001 after he quit with Volleyball. :smile: Now he only bothers with picking chanterelle's and other useful mushroom's, like all other russians seems to do... :wink:


He did a serve against me ones with a volleyball, it looked so easy when he threw the ball up gently in the air, and smashed it. It nearly took my arms off and I did got ache in my elbows... I did not know that a light volleyball could get up in a speed like that... He just stood there smiling... Me? I just stood there whining... :wink:


Your friend might be right but there is no ways to check it. The Save file can be corrupt as it do happens and mine got unplayable after I tried Better Cities as one example. There where a save file editor available but I never got it working. I bet save files are a bloody mess and therefor no one never managed to make a proper one, not that I know of...


Applying your mod list here might be a good way to find out what is wrong but if you are using loads of brilliant pure Russian mods, then we can sit here, scratching our heads for sure.

Edited by Pellape
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Here are ini files for those mods. Again, I warned you about russian, huh.

Interesting story from your life, glad to hear it ;-)
That guy even has page in Wikipedia, pretty popular one, huh. You are lucky guy, to know him

All the mods I am using are originally english, just translated to russian. They are all downloaded from big russian TES cite, tesall.ru, where they are checked before publishing, so I doubt there will be some critical problems with it

And I am using Wrye bash, extremely helpful program. So, mods are fine, according to it

Edited by SinfulMonsoon
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If the ESPs are also properly edited and are expecting the INIs to be in Russian it shouldn't be a problem (I think ... I have no experience in getting translated mods to work).

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Huh, damn, that method fixed both problems! Just created new save without those mods active, then loaded them, and no errors!

Yeah, some markers (shrines and rune stones) that MMO adds had disappeared, but it is pretty easy to get them back, just revisit all places

Thank you guys VERY much for your help. And... was nice speaking with you. Really. Such an oldschool vibe of forums, and friendly people on them...

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