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OBSE Suddenly stopped working.


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I'm new to modding Oblivion and last night went through the headache of trying to get OBSE to work properly. After hours of trying everything I could and using the OBSE tester to see if it worked it finally registered as working however after I shut off my computer to take a break and today hopped on, installed mods I was so excited to get into one of the mods "Weather - All Natural" Alerted me OBSE wasn't working, I re-enabled the tester to double check if maybe Weather - All Natural was just messing with me and it said that OBSE isn't working.

I have no idea what happened or now how to fix it again.

I use the steam version and yes my overlay is enabled and No I don't use "Mod Organizer" or NMM

I've included my Data, OBSE and Oblivion folder contents if that helps In the spoiler below.




0 0 Oblivion.esm
1 1 Hair Style Master.esm
2 2 All Natural Base.esm
3 3 Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp
4 4 Oblivion Citadel Door Fix.esp
5 5 UOP Vampire Aging & Face Fix.esp
6 6 DLCShiveringIsles.esp
7 7 Knights.esp
8 8 lLet there be Flowers.esp
9 9 KT_CustomRaceFix.esp
10 a OblivionReloaded.esp
11 b Moonshadow Elves - Sc.esp
12 c FFRace.esp
13 d Enhanced Vegetation [150%].esp
14 e All Natural - Real Lights.esp
15 f RoadLights.esp
16 10 Falling Leaves.esp
17 11 All Natural.esp
18 12 SkipTutorialv3.esp
19 13 All Natural - SI.esp
20 14 BrumasNorthernLights.esp
21 15 Immersive Interiors.esp
22 16 Immersive Interiors - Bravil.esp
23 17 Immersive Interiors - Imperial City.esp
24 18 WindowLightingSystem.esp
All Natural - Indoor Weather Filter For Mods.esp
25 19 Bashed Patch, 0.esp


Edited by Nymphling
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I don't see obse_steam_loader.dll listed in your Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion folder (and that DLL is required for the Steam version of the game).


Now that you say that OBSE Tester was reporting OBSE as working last night and not today also nudges me towards a possible culprit ... your anti-virus software. Have a look in it's quarantine folder or check it's activity log and you quite possibly will have your "Paul Harvey" moment (and something to add to it's exclusion/leave alone list).

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I COMPLETELY missed the OBSE_Steam_Loader.dll :facepalm: I launched Oblivion and instantly all these mods are working now and it's such a big difference; Thank you so so much.


I don't see obse_steam_loader.dll listed in your Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion folder (and that DLL is required for the Steam version of the game).


Now that you say that OBSE Tester was reporting OBSE as working last night and not today also nudges me towards a possible culprit ... your anti-virus software. Have a look in it's quarantine folder or check it's activity log and you quite possibly will have your "Paul Harvey" moment (and something to add to it's exclusion/leave alone list).

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So are you saying I was slamming your AV for no good reason ... or did you have obse_steam_loader.dll installed last night and then somehow deleted it before today's first session?


My favourite method for confirming that OBSE is working doesn't involve anything beyond vanilla game mechanics.


Start the game and make a save. Exit and look in your Users\[username]\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves folder. If you see two save files with the same base name and different file extensions (e.g. MySave09.ess and MySave09.obse) then OBSE is working. If you only see a single save file each time you save then OBSE is not working.

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