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Best way to release a mod with and without DLC depenencies?


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Hi all,


I'm getting very near to the end of a lighting / weather mod but the last thing I now need to tackle is modding DLC weathers - however I'm not entirely sure what'll be the best way to release the mod.


I'd ideally like to make it a simple as possible (all in one file) but will understand if I'll have to add separate DLC "optional files" for Dawnguard and Dragonborn.


Apologies if this is a stupid question but I'm not 100% clued up with parent / master file association, and I'm at the end of a 14 hour modding session now so my brain's stopped working.

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The best way is to have the DLC-specific version as a separate file. Otherwise, people who want your mod that have not bought the DLC (or who have deactivated it for various reasons) will not be able to use your all-in-one version.


I think it's less complicated to merge mods than it is to try to remove DLC-specific stuff from a mod. I don't think it's asking too much to expect users to merge mods that they feel should be merged, but splitting mods is a much taller order.

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Thank you gsmanners. Yeah I had a brief moment of clarity after making this thread thinking that It'd prob be best / neccessary to keep things modular.


Didn't think about mod merging at all though, and it's something I've never done myself. I assume this has something to do with Wyre Bash and "bashing" mods together? I'll look into this later today.


Thanks again.

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Ah, ok. Are there any tutorials that you could possibly recommend for this process please? It'd be nice to know how to do this, especially to leave advice on my soon-to-be mod page to avoid complaints of multiple esps.

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It generally accepted that the more modular you make a mod the easier it is to manage in the long run. Giving the user the option to select a specific plugin will prevent you from alienating users as well as prevent multiple requests to do so.

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Thanks jjc71. Yeah I just want to release the mod and make it as user friendly / request-free as possible, so I'll take the modular approach.


BTW: FWIW, congrats on your CoT mod, especially the latest version. From someone that's spent many many months inside CK mucking around with weathers you totally have my respect and admiration for your work and efforts. You've set the bar very high (:

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