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Managed to delete a trigger box


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<p>Hi, in my latest mod (on another profile) I managed to delete the trigger box around the dragon priest mask display thingy. How do i put this back, my whole mod is screwed if i cant fix this. It cant just ctrl-Z it because it happened ages ago</p> Edited by HomerY
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can use tesvsnip.. load the current esp into it, then create a new one.. transfer all the info into the new esp file but leave out all alterations to the cell you accidentally deleted.. you will lose the work done in that area, but it is better than starting from scratch...

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Ck > Data > highlight plugin > Details. Resist the urge to sort the list by name or type. The blocks are already arranged in their logical order. Scroll down to the cell block you made the dirty edit. Then you drop the dirty edit from your plugin by ignoring it. Highlight the deleted record, press the 'delete' key and you should get a little i next to your selection. Close the details menu, set your plugin as active, and the fix happens the next time you reload your plugin and save.

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