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Looking for horse mod


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I was browsing the mods for a specific mod concerning horses but haven't really been able to find what I'm looking for, but maybe I missed one.


What I'm looking for is a mod that prevents the horses from going gung-ho and assaulting anything that moves (including trying to take an entire fortress of high level bandits you idiot horse) and getting killed in the process. Horses should be for horseback riding and enemies should not attack it nor should it attack enemies.


So is there any such mod available?


Thanks in advance!

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Oblivious Horses -- It's a simple mod, it makes any horse oblivious to enemies. Enemies won't attack it and it won't attack enemies. Will still move off a bit out of the way, but not very far.


There are however more complicated horse mods that give you all kinds of options and stuff.


Thanks. Looks like what I'm looking for. I don't really need many options other than letting me do the fighting. Frost just died on me, but I wager I can get him back with some codes. Ah well. Thanks again.

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