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Black Screen total crash on 1.9


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So I've had issues with the latest patches, and since the two most recent ones, have had more total crashes than on all previous versions combined.


Currently I'm on 1.9(.32) with an Nvidia GT230 and I've recently done a clean install with all my old mods completely removed, along with old files. On previous versions I used to be able to play for as long as I liked with no problems. My computer has no performance difficulties, otherwise. Now I'm lucky to eek out so much as an hour of play without getting a complete crash. I've read off and on about various proposed solutions but none of them seem to be effective, and nearly all comments about it are on older versions from months ago, where I didn't experience anything like this.


Is there some kind of consensus on what the root cause is, and how to fix it? Doesn't seem to be system-related, only game-related.

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Not high on bumping threads but I'm determined to get a fix for this. I've uninstalled all graphics drivers, reinstalled the newest versions, there's some improvement. Any evidence that updating without uninstalling old drivers can lead to issues for the game's rendering utilities?

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If you are using the windows driver update feature, then yes, that can cause problems with proper installation.

There is always a pdf file with every driver update, people don't read it, but it's like not reading a mod description and then wondering why it doesn't work. The one for 314.222 is here


Personally, I find complete clean installs of drivers is the best way. It's important to disable windows automatic updates entirely, since if you do not, windows will try to install any driver files it can find (I've had it pull them from system restore files, very irritating)

1.Download the new drivers installation file to your desktop or wherever. (but don't open it yet.)

2. Delete drivers through uninstall programs (All the programs that are NVidia. there are probably 3 or 4, make sure to uninstall the NVidia Graphics Drivers one last.)

3. Run a registry cleaner, turn off computer entirely (the switch in the back or unplug) to clear the cache

4. Restart the computer (your cpu's integrated driver should kick in. If you have disabled this in your bios, you would need to enable it.).

5. Click on the Nvidia installer and follow the instructions for a complete clean install.


In any case, never try rolling back drivers using Windows. It doesn't work (thats also in the document you need to read.)


You may find you have settings that were changed due to either the Skyrim patch or the driver update that are affecting your performance. I'd go into your driver settings (I use NVidia Inspector, many more options, but the default NVidia control panel is ok for this purpose) and make sure your game profile and default profile are properly set. (this is also mentioned in the documentation) For example, every time I update drivers lately, the new update sets my GPU to force 4-way crossfire, although I have only 1 graphics card. You may find other things that were reset, as well.


The skyrim patch will have reset some of your ini to default, it may have removed some lines you added, as well, which might also affect your driver performance and cause your issue. I make a copy of my ini and prefs ini files before any patch, however, its better not to replace the new with the old, since sometimes lines are added in the new patch that you would erase. Better, IMO, to use it as a guide and make the necessary changes.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Bit of an update. Had success with getting the game to run for a while, but got a spate of black screen crashes a few days ago. Did a clean install after removing my mods, clean install for graphics driver. Still getting them within an hour of gameplay. Any explanation for this? Could it be mod related?

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As of right now, no mods at all. I uninstalled all mods on NMM, uninstalled Skyrim, did a clean install of the game, and then booted up. Still got the black screen crash in a new game.


Restarted computer, uninstalled the my drivers, reinstalled them with the "Clean install" setting, and ran the game again. Getting black screen crashes there, too.


At least I know it's not being caused by mods, but I don't think it's a system issue because I've never had clean installs give me this kind of problem before.

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So not to be accusing or anything, but just to get this out of the way--of course you need to be using the legal steam version of the game to work.


Assuming that to be true in your case...


Have you double checked to make sure you have given yourself admin permissions ( In Windows 7 right click on the icon, click 'run as administrator). I have to do this every time I update Skyrim. Also have you checked Steam and NMM as well? Are you sure Skyrim is not being blocked by your firewall? (Or possibly the port it uses to connect to steam?)


If you rule out those things,


Can you please list your computer specs-- CPU, RAM, processor, GPU, VRAM, driver update?

Also Skyrim graphics settings (both windows, regualr and advanced)

What are you using as a GPU control panell, and have you alltered any of the settings there?

Finally, have you checked your for overheating or other problems (like a failing PSU)?


It may not be a system issue, but it is good to rule them out, just in case.

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I am indeed using a legal copy. I actually own 2 copies of this game for different platforms, just to show my support to Bethesda. :P


Have not applied Admin permissions yet; will do so. Had no idea I needed to do that for the game to properly run. I suppose if I run from an SKSE launch that needs the admin thing too?

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Here's a question, before I get to specs: how much does NVidia Ntune interfere with the game's ability to run? I had that on my rig a few days ago, and was getting crashes in the Helgen cells, and after removing it entirely with the Revo uninstaller program, I've logged 50+ minutes of a playthrough with no crashes whatsoever so far.

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