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Make a character that hovers?


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I'm looking to make a follower that hovers alongside you like a small dragon, or an insect follower. I cannot seem to find the right combination to make them hover alongside you. My bee npc is stuck in the ground rather than focus. And of course everyone knows the problem with the dragons, they skip along the ground to keep up with you and fly off into the sky in combat.


I have been trying to manipulate the "firefly" script to make the bee hover but it doesnt work the same (obviously) as when the bee is a "critter activator."


Does anyone have any idea how to make a creature hover as a method of movement?

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try taking a look at the flame atronach, that floats a little off the ground, and you may be able to emulate the way that works, but at a different height, its probably going to use the skse, but im not 100% im just dabbling myself, but i read this last night, and noticed the flame atronach flying along beside me today, thought it might help

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Yeah I've been trying to force it to emulate the way that Flame Atronach, wisp mothers, and Ice wraiths float above the ground but when I get in game its still glued to the floor basically. I think the problem is that it doesn't have a skeleton or biped object for the game to understand. The bee is more or less a static object unless used as an activator, I can't seem to figure out how to make it a legit NPC character. I open the mesh .nif file for the bee in the CK and it has a texture already, but when I open it in NifSkope it has no texture and it actually has the flight animations. However, I can't seem to find any of these textures or flight animations. Any help would be appreciated.

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For some reason, when I read the topic my first thought was a dalek follower.


Edited by ArtMurder
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The bees have baked-in Gambryo wing flap animations, but it doesn't actually make them fly. They fly using Papyrus translation functions to move them from A to B. Papyrus can be used to activate the bee animations (playgamebryoanimation).

Flame atronachs etc have built-in Havok animations and behavior files that make them hover off the ground. These animations are not compatible with the bee model.


You can't see the bee textures in Nifskope because you haven't told the program where to look for the textures (Render->Settings->Rendering->Add Folder).


It took me 6 months to make birds fly. Making a bee follower will require about the same effort, you will have to script every movement. In fact it will be much more difficult because the player is an unpredictable moving target.

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