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Not exactly a mod, but I'm hoping someone can help me...


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Hey guys, I've just gotten into researching lately for a way to make a properly accurate 3D model of things in-game. For most games it seems fairly straightforward to take a 3d screen print and open in a 3d program. From there I was going to open it in a Pepakura program and flatten it out and print for creating a real model of. It just seems that it's harder to do in Dark Souls than most other games.


So, I was hoping someone here could help me out. Would anybody know how to, or be kind enough to, get Solaire's Helmet 3D model for me? Again, forgive the ignorance if this is a hard or even impossible task, but I'm new to this and (maybe foolishly) assumed the people who mod the game would know how to gain access to these kind of files.


Thanks for any help you guys can afford!


- Shane.

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  • 3 years later...

Unfortunately for you, this isn't the kind of thing modders mess with, no, this is the kind of thing more suited to people who use .bats to extract things, model rippers, hex editors, that kind of fun stuff.

You see, a lot of games have something akin to layers of archives.

This is most typical when they are developed for a console, as modding on any console is difficult, and limited in extensiveness. However, this also can vary on the engine. So, moving on to the layers themselves.

This first layer is typically visible from game directory, or somewhere in a folder, sometimes split into multiple folders, or even multiple archive files, in the game directory. These first layer archives are typically a common file type, like .dat, or something similar.

The next layer will either result in more archives of an obfuscated and/or esoteric file type, usually archives using z-lib compression, which are never fun to deal with at all, or you can end up with more folders, and within those you can have various levels of sub folders, files, archives, and so forth. But, a thing to note is once we get past the first layer, we stop seeing common archive file types, and special types tailored specifically for use in that particular instance. (Typically, at least.)

Depending on the file, sometimes the only way you could crack one open truly is if the company itself were to assist you. As we both (should) know, they would not do so, and asking them would likely result in consequences.

You see, this entire process is very long, arduous, and tiring, along with being legally ambiguous, so I can't recommend it. I also can't offer any advice on it, for I don't want to be liable for what YOU do. If you decide to continue, that is YOUR CHOICE. I just don't recommend it.

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