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How do you edit an existing mod with the CK?


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I like "tweaking" some of the armor and weapons mods just for my own personal use, but can't figure out how to change the crafting recipes for them. For example, I like using the scout armor mod, but hate that you need quicksilver Ignot to craft the scout bow. I'd like to change it to just requiring steel, iron, and leather. I know I can just add the quicksilver Ignot with console commands, but really don't like to "cheat".
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Load the mod with the CK. In the Object window go to Items > Constructible Objects then look for the recipe. If it is a new recipe added by the mod, you can sort by the Form ID # or Editor ID # to make that mods items all group together. Otherwise use the filter and type scout, should include items that have scout in the name as well as in the Editor ID Name.


Once you find the form, double click on it or right click and choose edit. Make the change you want, save & play.

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Click the *all button at the bottom left and filter for temper and find the temper recipe for the item you want to change. Then just right click to delete the items you don't want it to require, or right click the blank space and select Add to add a new item requirement.

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