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Beeping noise and massive delayed reaction


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So I was playing skyrim and with the dev azula(I think) airship mod, anywho as I was playing i suddenly got a strang click or beep (same thing) coming from my speakers everyone I hit a button followed by a 1-2 second wait time for the appropriate function to happen, mind you the game was working fine an example is I have to hold down the escape key for 2 seconds where the beep sound keeps playing and everything else in the game contenues while I wait for the menu to start.


I've reloaded saves, restarted from the beginning before and after removing the mod and nothing changes, and I can't try and validate files or anything because my computers being a c$&@ and won't connect to the Internet


Anywho any help would be awesome

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It sounds to me like your computer was giving you an alarm. This would happen if your CPU or GPU were overheating, but it might be a windows alarm, a virus alert, or some other event. None of that would be skyrim related, specifically (although playing skyrim on too-high settings could have caused your overheating.)


I'd start investigating your hardware and software, try to find the windows log that recorded the error, and address the problem, since it might be serious.

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  • 4 years later...

It sounds to me like your computer was giving you an alarm. This would happen if your CPU or GPU were overheating, but it might be a windows alarm, a virus alert, or some other event. None of that would be skyrim related, specifically (although playing skyrim on too-high settings could have caused your overheating.)


I'd start investigating your hardware and software, try to find the windows log that recorded the error, and address the problem, since it might be serious.

nope that's not it I have the same problem for me it happens during the animation , it's a corrupted files voice packs mods you should test them then delete what's corrrupted !

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