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cant remember the name of a mod


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It was a forgoth quest mod which added to the original "forgoths hidden stash quest"


basicallly a new NPC spawn on top of the lighthouse at night while you watch forgoth stash his money.


When you talk to the npc in the lighthouse he offers you money to bring him forgoths head.


So you kill forgoth and bring his head to the guy in the lighthouse. Then the guy tells you to bring the head to some cave somewhere to perform a ritual to enchant the head and Forgoth's head then becomes and equptable shield that can cast fear on enemies.


i wanna say it was simply called "Fargoths Head"


BUUUUUUT i cant find the mod anywhere, im pretty sure it was an award for the MOD MADNESS thing. If anyone can re upload it i would be very thankful.

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