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Ugh, math problem


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I admit it, I'm hopeless at math and always have been. This surprises so many people since they think anybody who works in IT and / or can build a computer should be good at math. I explain to them that no, this isn't the case since we can get the computer to do the math for us! heh


Well, imagine my surprise when our friendly security guard ran a math problem by me that he said had been stumping everyone and I actually figured it out! :)


Have a stab at it and please post your answer in spoiler tags.




There are seven girls on a bus.

Each of the girls has seven backpacks.

Each of the backpacks has seven large cats.

Each of the seven large cats has seven small cats.


How many legs are there on this bus?




It isn't a trick question as I suspected and yes, of course you may use a calculator. :)



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There are a total of

7 girls,

49 backpacks,

343 large cats,

2401 small cats,

and 10990 legs, assuming that each cats regardless of size has 4 legs, and each girl has 2.

Also assumingn that tere are only the 7 girls on the bus.

and the Plethea of feline companions as well.

Once agian teh total is 10990

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10990 legs





there are 7 girls

7 girls *7 backpacks * 7 cats -> 343 big cats

7 girls *7 backpacks * 7 cats*7 smaller cats - > 2401 kittens

so we have 14 legs + 4*2744 legs =

10990 legs



There you go...



Exactly the kool kat here agrees with me, except his answer is covered up.

Why is that?

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