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OBSE - bug soon to be solved by xOBSE


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This is an old bug in OBSE that did bother me a lot as I now use Let instead of Set for all OBSE functions, which I think OblivionAddicted have pointed out earlier.


The bug finds ghost objects in containers. I do have a conversation with Katawful at this xOBSE bug report thread about it and I do use work arounds as well.


Why am I convinced that it is an old bug? Well as I used Set earlier I did never get any debug info in the console but I do now. I added an ingredient Multiplyer in v0.01 of my house mod and noticed already then that my Mutliplyer did have more objects then I added and I suspected then it was some kind of token so I spent 2-3 days finding a work around the problem. Now when I ised Let, I couldn't ignore it as when I checked a complete empty chest with GetNumItems, I found 1 with ref 00000000. So no wonder my damn Multiplyer Ingredients container fails and also informs the player, well myself mostly I guess, that it is not an ingredient, so I remove it and add it again and the script works perfect. :smile:


Kat just said that this bug will be corrected in the next version of xOBSE and of course, only in xOBSE, no where else.


Why do I not just ignore the bug now? Well I am dealing with arrays in my latest dynamic chest and object sorter. It must work 100% perfect until I use it or even think about publishing it. I will never publish anything that might remove stuff from a player and do not give them back... It must work to 176.2 % or even 100000%... ;) Anything else is out of the question.



How did I find it? Well while debugging with offset as Drake told me to not look through all my Let rows, just switch to offset in the CSE script editor and then the linenumbers gets exchanged with offset, and that makes debugging much easier than ever before. It seems to be a feature added by OBSE.


When I first saw offset in the console, I did google it and google did not find anything useful at all. That did piss me off some really. So why giving me info in the console I cannot use? I thought it was a bethesda specific debug info they used internally at that point and ignored it. I could have asked here at the forum instead... but I am not that brilliant always, only on Tuesdays.

Edited by Pellape
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I see at least a couple of EngineBugFixes fixes that seem to be related to similar to what you describe Pekka. That has me wondering what (if any) effect the xOBSE team's fixes will have on EBF (if there is in fact any overlap between the root case of the EBF fixed problems and the one that you're mentioning here).

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Well I do use EBF. If I make a wild guess it is am Oblivion engine bug and that OBSE finds it and report it as an error when we use OBSE commands. Damn... :D


Well lets see what Idle comes up with as he have my esp, latest version from yesterday. I might add it to that bug thread, that it can be an engine bug or not, having him searching and coming up to the right conclusion, without me making wild guesses...


Well I couldn't resist so I added it and pointed out it is a wild guess and speculation.

Edited by Pellape
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