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Oblivion Reloaded Lite


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I have asked questions about Oblivion Reloaded before and I do understand why no one dared to answer really. I will be brave, I must be brave as curiosity did kill the cat after all but I do not care about that now. I must test it.


First, I must get my new dynamic sorter working and when it does, well then I will try Oblivion Reloaded Lite for 2 reasons

  1. Is OB and OBL as great as it is announced to be?
  2. Is it really something we can recommend when other players comes here with their OB problems? No one here is running it and therefor no one of us can answer those questions.

So now comes the hard questions. How to install this and what to keep as OBL will have similar functions as I am using. Should I keep:

  • ENBoost
  • EBF

I installed so many fixes that I have forgotten about but mostly the unofficial ones and performance sounds...


I do hope it is possible to install it and as easy to uninstall it with a mod manager as if I do not like it or it gives me issues, I do wanna flush it easy.

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Early versions of Oblivion Reloaded Lite included some memory tweaks (ORsRamCleaner.esp and there was a version of OblivionReloaded.dll that was advertised as No Heap Support version). As far as I can tell those were dropped some time after version 1.1 so I'm not sure what memory management utility may be left in ORL.


Looking in OblivionReloaded.ini it seems that support for it's Purger (can't say for certain if it was RAM purger or VRAM purger) was dropped after version 3.5 of ORL.


I do see a link to Ultimate RAM Purger in the ORL mod description so I suppose that function was moved to a separate mod (GBRPluss is also the author of Ulimate RAM Purger).


I followed it for a while but I'm more of a stick with vanilla for much of the features left in ORL (and those I want changed from vanilla I have my current solutions). Whether or not I try ORL is a moot point until I decide to start a new playthrough anyway.

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Good point Striker. I test it with my current setup and we figure out what I end up with anyway, a broken game or something else... ;) I must try it... I cannot get it out of my mind... I am to stupid for that... ;)

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Good point Striker. I test it with my current setup and we figure out what I end up with anyway, a broken game or something else... :wink: I must try it... I cannot get it out of my mind... I am to stupid for that... :wink:


LOL ... poor Pekka ... a moth to the flame!

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Hey, I use the full version of Oblivion Reloaded together with EBF.


About ENBoost, do NOT use together with the memory purger of OR.

Yet you can check the INIs of both additions.


In OR's ini there should be a memory manager. Not sure if that one is still present in ORL's ini, but if so, be sure that "MemoryManagement" is set to "0", if you want to use ENBoost.

Cannot tell what is better, as I currently don't use any of both. ^^


As of still continuing to enhance Nehrim, I rather want to have no memory enhancement running to check of how much more unstable the game gets. XD

Current results aren't that bad. :smile:

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I have tried it and I also now know it is not compatible with ENBoost from another similar thread here but what I saw did not impress me at all and maybe ENBoost is the reason for the following issues? If it is incompatible with ENBoost, the author should mention it in his description really, that is as minimal informative as possible and dry if you ask me.

  • Shadows did look odd with sharp edges
  • Textures flicked on both my armor and critters, between white to invisible -> transparent and my Mountain Lion did shine bright, like it was made of metal. I wasnt able to see any of my critters, just their eyes I think if any...
  • FPS 5 times slower. Where I usually have 20 fps I had 4

It might be so that this can be fixed by tweaking the OB.ini as ENB is mentioned as optional at the description. So, will I ever recommend it? Never. I will never test it again as I am not interested in tweaking any ini files.


I am so happy that Wrye managed to restore everything. Before I did installed it, I did peek for any conflicts, and found one file, a texture that I renamed from TerrainNoise.dds to TerrainNoise.ddx and I do miss a normals for it and a normal was included with ORL. No other effects uses normals what I can see in my Textures\Effects so why did he add one for that specific texture that I also got from else where? Who knows from where really.


Well. I will flush it now and the curious cat did die.


I do one more test. I renamed ENB to ddd and we see...


No difference. Well now I was not able to see fps at all. It took forever to even get the ESC menu opened.

Edited by Pellape
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