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Where can I find women's clothing and armor?


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I decided to create a female character, but all amaduras in the game are too masculine for them. I'm using the mod Caliente Female Body Mod BBE v3-2, can not download any armor, otherwise her body is buggy . I wish there were more female armor for the game. I already tried the murderer Keos Skimpy CBBE V2-V3, and I did not like. The body of the character was bugged in some armor, and some clothes have not changed . I've tried the Armor Remodeled CBBEv3M made ​​by MAK, but this mod does not affect newer DLCs (yes, there are other mods like these, but if you look, all women are alike with prostitutes when they walk around in a thong) . No warrior man would take such a woman seriously in a battle, and even play with it, try to harass her. And there is no logic going around a woman in a bikini thong in the middle of winter, with snow storms occurring all the time, unless their resistance against cold is above normal. My intention is to add an outfit that let well sexy, but without appearing prostitutes who shows every feminine elegance, and more charme.O that came close to that was the killer Keos Skimpy, but this mod has problems here. If anyone knows of another mod, not necessarily the Nexus, which change all the armors of Skyrim, including the DLC released so far. Please let me know here.

Edited by FillipeMattos
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I think what OP is saying is that the vanilla design is too "masculine" and the mods are too "feminine."


I don't think there are mods that cater to every particular taste you can imagine. There are just UNP and CBBE (which admittedly give you varying levels of fan service, but they are fan service).

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