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Could a failing graphics card cause a CTD?


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I know that's usually a mod related problem, a mod conflicting with another, but iv gone through my mods list a bunch of times and I cant find anything that would be incompatible. yet im still getting ctds and also textures not loading as well. the texture problem im sure is a matter of the graphics card failing but just in case its something else I thought id mention it, I get the pink blocky stuff on some objects.

but can the graphics card cause a ctd?

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yes. It could also be a problem with the driver software or settings.

Try a complete clean reinstall of your drivers first. If the problem continues, post your computer specs, game settings and game profile settings (from your driver) and maybe someone can help.

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fair enough I was afraid of that, iv been putting off getting a new and better one for quite a while just because theyre expensive. I know that the failing card isn't going to go away so I may as well spend the cash and hope for the best. ill give the reinstallation a shot and see if that improves things until I get the new card as im also having trouble with other games, thanks for the advice.

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I think you misunderstood me. I said, that it could be the result of a failing card.

However, it could also be a matter of simply needing to update your drivers or make some changes in your driver settings. However, reinstallation of the game would not really address either of those, except for returning your settings to the default. (Or removing problems left by mod installation/removal, if that turns out to be the case.)

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yes all that culd be.

But if your running a modhevy game .... then CTD is verry likly to come from incompatibilitys.

I got my system fairly stable by following Gophers tutorials on


Cleaning up masterfiles

Using Boss to find and sort out mods with Dirty edits

undeleating deleated refrences

and so forth.

My advice ... look up gophers channel on youtube, and search for cleaning guide !

Other Problems that cause CTD ... script engin overloading,

Wen you got to menny scripted mods running trying to script at the same time.
Things like Crome running in background. (conflicts with scriptengin)

Multible USB devices running wile playing is also known to cause troble.


good Luck,

Does not have to be the Hardware.
It be a shame if you spend lotz of monny and the Problem is solved by cleaningyour masters.

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I completely agree with the above comment , cleaning your dirty edits with Tes5Edit is a must for modders.


Here's the link the the video


Also I suggest using Wrye Bash along with it.


However texture rendering funky in game is more often then not a GPU problem like the first fellow said make sure all your graphics cards drivers are up to date before you go and spend money you might not need to spend! :P

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