jesterskull25 Posted April 11, 2013 Share Posted April 11, 2013 (edited) These are the mods, talk more about the problem below: Skyrim.esmUpdate.esmDawnguard.esmHearthFires.esmDragonborn.esmClimatesOfTamriel.esmETaC - RESOURCES.esmJSwords.esmLanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Main.esmRanger Ridge.esmSPIKE.esmmore_Travelers.esmportal2mod.espHighResTexturePack01.espHighResTexturePack02.espHighResTexturePack03.espUnofficial Skyrim Patch.espunofficial dawnguard patch.espunofficial hearthfire patch.espunofficial dragonborn patch.espUnofficial High Resolution Patch.espChesko_Frostfall.espRainbows.espenhanced soundtrack 01.espenhanced soundtrack 02.espprometheus_beastskeletons.espBehemoth Dragon.espBirdsHFclean.espChesko_WearableLantern.espDSpSoB.espguardedborders.espGypsyEyesCaravan.espImmersiveBountyHunting.espktxcompleteskyforge.espPoint The Way.espShootingStars.espskyBirds - Airborne Perching Birds.esptravelingargonians.espVariedGuards.espwhistle.espConvenient Horses.espConvenient Horses - Unique Frost.espcrowdedcities.espDragon Soul Relinquishment.espFootprints.espWetandCold.espSkyUI.espiHUD.espAetheriumSwordsnArmor.espbackpackfrankdema.espBlackSacramentArmor.espBlackSacramentDBReplacer.espCloaks.espCloaks - Dawnguard.esp1nivWICCloaks.esp1nivWICSkyCloaksPatch.espDragonbone Weapons.espdragonpriestmasks.espDwarven Condenser.espDwarvenMech.espj3x-autocrossbows.espDwemer Goggles & Scouter.espElemental Staves.esphothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.espJSwordsDistributionBalancePlugin.espLeatherBackpackBlack-300.espnotched.espSpace Wiking's Dwemer Exoskeleton.espSummonSkeletalHorde.espUnique Uniques.espwvexpansion.espDr_Bandolier.espmm_BeluaSanguinareRevisitedDGCompatibility.espERSO 04.2 - Mighty Durnehviir.espERSO 05 - Dovah Holy Book.espERSO 06 - Wait More Time Dragon Encounter x3.0.espERSO 07 - Mighty Dragon Priests.espSkyRe_Main.espSkyRe_Combat.espSkyRe_EncounterZones.espSkyRe_StandingStones.espSkyRe_Survivalism.espancient watchtowers.espBeautiful Whiterun.espbettercitiesdocksolitude.espbetterdawnstar.espbetterwinterhold.espdomino_mudcrabmerchant.espquest_pitfighter.espquest_pitfighter_dlc01.espRanger Ridge.espRealisticWhiterun.esprun for your lives.espwhen vampires attack.espSkyHavenTempleEnhanced.espsomeprivacyplease_door_heljarchen.espsomeprivacyplease_door.espThe Asteria - Dwemer Airship.espthe paarthurnax dilemma.espwhiterunMarket.espAchieveThat.espbetterfactionscomplete.espbetterquestobjectives.espHeadtracking.espImmersive Weapons.esplevelingmerchantswallets.espmarriable serana.espnightingale_armor_tweak.espRealistic werewolf speed.espbetterravenrock.espETaC - Villages Complete.espETaC - Morthal.espETaC Follower Add-On.espUnique Region Names.espClimatesOfTamriel-Dawnguard-Patch.espClimatesOfTamriel-Dragonborn-Patch.espURN+CoT Patch.espPredator Vision.espWerewolfMastery.espWerewolfPerksExpanded_1.6b.espDawnguardDelayedStart30.espApocalypse - The Spell Package.espconjure_chest.espFlashStep.espOpenUnlock.espSustainedSpells.espNoSneakAttackSound.espNo Skill Limit.espBatTravel.esp3DNPC.espRealisticNeedsandDiseases.espRND_Dawnguard-Patch.espRND_ETaC-Patch.espRND_HearthFires-Patch.espRND_USKP-Patch.espRND_Dragonborn-Patch.espBlaze Of Eventide.espDemon Horse.espherman.espFollowerWander2.espAlternate Start - Live Another Life.espSkyRe_Races.esppurewaters.espRND_PureWaters-Patch.espWaves.espmap markers complete.espBashed Patch, 0.espReProccer.espImpeREAL Empire - Unique Cities - Falkreath.espFortDawnguardEnhanced.espattichjaarmarch.espatticlakeview.espatticlakeview_nowalls.espatticpale.espbetteranimals.espbetterfire.espbmerchant.espdoors_hjerim.espelemental arrows.espfilled_pots.espjorrvaskr_sorted.espmarchanditinerant.espmarkmerchant.espmarriable serana hf.espriftenmerchant2.espskyrim overhaul guilds.espskyrimoverhauldragonborn.espslavepackriekling.espsomeprivacyplease.espsomeprivacyplease_bedroomwall_hjaalmarch.espsomeprivacyplease_bedroomwall_lakeview.espsomeprivacyplease_bedroomwall_pale.espsomeprivacyplease_door_hjaalmarch.espstaticmeshimprovementmod-part2.espthievesguild_sorted.espuniquebows.espKTABladeOfWoe.esparcanaeum_sorted.esphighelf_followe.esphjerim_counter.esplakeview_merchant.espproudspire_merchant.espbetterdawnguard.espnewplaceddawnguard.espnewplacehermaeusshrine.espUnderwater_Treasure.espForgottenSettlements.espoakwood.espRavenNest.espBreezehome_Fully_Upgradable.espPlayerStatue.espPouncer.espDovabear.espERSO 03 - Slighty Mighty Dragons Unleveled DB.espERSO 09 - Vendor Trainer Quest-giver protected USKP.espERSO 03.3 - Slighty Mighty Dawnguard Dragons.espERSO 03.4 - Slighty Mighty Dragonborn Dragons.espERSO 03.5 - New Dragon Loots.espmore_Travelers-light.espGreenWaterFix_Compatible.esp ---------------------------------------------------------------------All this amount of mods have worked on my computer before many times (plus I still have a few heavily (over 70-150) modded games) (200( recently b4 I had 255+ on this one)) and I am sure at least 95% sure they are not causing the CTD which happen to a range of half a milsec after starting a new game to around 45 min later depending on I dont know (I think It has to do with walk outside because I seem fine in whiterun once for a long time 1.5 hours (I was talking and texting (while standing in place in game) because of a personal matter caused panic for a while) but when I got back in game went outside 15min later ctd), I recently installed ATTK (plus skse, skyrim config etc.) and it's helped me a lot but I am sure I am forgetting something but I dont know what, I am trying to get working like before but I feel like I have tried almost every thing boss, tesedit, wrybash, vertiy the cacth, (have not reinstall because I counsider that a last resort plus it has never worked 90% of the time and it take a least a day to do the entire restall and remodding), can you tell me if I am forgeting something (dont say sound problems(it never is plus I checked)) or some kind of mod or program that will help me or should just start from scratch, my laptop is windows 7 home Prem. pack 1, a intel core i5-2410m cpu @ 2.30 ghz ram:6gb (5.9 gb useable) 64 bitI have skyrim through stream, any kind of help will make want to send u a cake(but I dont have the money) Edited April 11, 2013 by jesterskull25 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
alex2avs Posted April 11, 2013 Share Posted April 11, 2013 Well, an old trick was to disable all mods, then enabling them one by one, checking which ones are causing issues; don't forget to run boss each time;I'd start checking out those Skyrim.esmUpdate.esmDawnguard.esmHearthFires.esmDragonborn.esmClimatesOfTamriel.esmETaC - RESOURCES.esmJSwords.esmLanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Main.esmRanger Ridge.esmSPIKE.esmmore_Travelers.esmportal2mod.espHighResTexturePack01.espHighResTexturePack02.espHighResTexturePack03.espUnofficial Skyrim Patch.espunofficial dawnguard patch.espunofficial hearthfire patch.espunofficial dragonborn patch.espUnofficial High Resolution Patch.espChesko_Frostfall.espRainbows.espenhanced soundtrack 01.espenhanced soundtrack 02.espprometheus_beastskeletons.espBehemoth Dragon.espBirdsHFclean.espChesko_WearableLantern.espDSpSoB.espguardedborders.espGypsyEyesCaravan.espImmersiveBountyHunting.espktxcompleteskyforge.espPoint The Way.espShootingStars.espskyBirds - Airborne Perching Birds.esptravelingargonians.espVariedGuards.espwhistle.espConvenient Horses.espConvenient Horses - Unique Frost.espcrowdedcities.espDragon Soul Relinquishment.espFootprints.espWetandCold.espSkyUI.espiHUD.espAetheriumSwordsnArmor.espbackpackfrankdema.espBlackSacramentArmor.espBlackSacramentDBReplacer.espCloaks.espCloaks - Dawnguard.esp1nivWICCloaks.esp1nivWICSkyCloaksPatch.espDragonbone Weapons.espdragonpriestmasks.espDwarven Condenser.espDwarvenMech.espj3x-autocrossbows.espDwemer Goggles & Scouter.espElemental Staves.esphothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.espJSwordsDistributionBalancePlugin.espLeatherBackpackBlack-300.espnotched.espSpace Wiking's Dwemer Exoskeleton.espSummonSkeletalHorde.espUnique Uniques.espwvexpansion.espDr_Bandolier.espmm_BeluaSanguinareRevisitedDGCompatibility.espERSO 04.2 - Mighty Durnehviir.espERSO 05 - Dovah Holy Book.espERSO 06 - Wait More Time Dragon Encounter x3.0.espERSO 07 - Mighty Dragon Priests.espSkyRe_Main.espSkyRe_Combat.espSkyRe_EncounterZones.espSkyRe_StandingStones.espSkyRe_Survivalism.espancient watchtowers.espBeautiful Whiterun.espbettercitiesdocksolitude.espbetterdawnstar.espbetterwinterhold.espdomino_mudcrabmerchant.espquest_pitfighter.espquest_pitfighter_dlc01.espRanger Ridge.espRealisticWhiterun.esprun for your lives.espwhen vampires attack.espSkyHavenTempleEnhanced.espsomeprivacyplease_door_heljarchen.espsomeprivacyplease_door.espThe Asteria - Dwemer Airship.espthe paarthurnax dilemma.espwhiterunMarket.espAchieveThat.espbetterfactionscomplete.espbetterquestobjectives.esp -required patchesHeadtracking.espImmersive Weapons.esplevelingmerchantswallets.espmarriable serana.espnightingale_armor_tweak.espRealistic werewolf speed.espbetterravenrock.espETaC - Villages Complete.espETaC - Morthal.espETaC Follower Add-On.espUnique Region Names.espClimatesOfTamriel-Dawnguard-Patch.espClimatesOfTamriel-Dragonborn-Patch.esp - will be updated soon/were updated recentlyURN+CoT Patch.espPredator Vision.espWerewolfMastery.espWerewolfPerksExpanded_1.6b.espDawnguardDelayedStart30.espApocalypse - The Spell Package.espconjure_chest.espFlashStep.espOpenUnlock.espSustainedSpells.espNoSneakAttackSound.espNo Skill Limit.espBatTravel.esp3DNPC.espRealisticNeedsandDiseases.espRND_Dawnguard-Patch.espRND_ETaC-Patch.espRND_HearthFires-Patch.espRND_USKP-Patch.espRND_Dragonborn-Patch.espBlaze Of Eventide.espDemon Horse.espherman.espFollowerWander2.espAlternate Start - Live Another Life.espSkyRe_Races.esppurewaters.espRND_PureWaters-Patch.espWaves.espmap markers complete.espBashed Patch, 0.espReProccer.espImpeREAL Empire - Unique Cities - Falkreath.espFortDawnguardEnhanced.espattichjaarmarch.espatticlakeview.espatticlakeview_nowalls.espatticpale.espbetteranimals.espbetterfire.espbmerchant.espdoors_hjerim.espelemental arrows.espfilled_pots.espjorrvaskr_sorted.espmarchanditinerant.espmarkmerchant.espmarriable serana hf.espriftenmerchant2.espskyrim overhaul guilds.espskyrimoverhauldragonborn.espslavepackriekling.espsomeprivacyplease.espsomeprivacyplease_bedroomwall_hjaalmarch.espsomeprivacyplease_bedroomwall_lakeview.espsomeprivacyplease_bedroomwall_pale.espsomeprivacyplease_door_hjaalmarch.espstaticmeshimprovementmod-part2.espthievesguild_sorted.espuniquebows.espKTABladeOfWoe.esparcanaeum_sorted.esphighelf_followe.esphjerim_counter.esplakeview_merchant.espproudspire_merchant.espbetterdawnguard.espnewplaceddawnguard.espnewplacehermaeusshrine.espUnderwater_Treasure.espForgottenSettlements.espoakwood.espRavenNest.espBreezehome_Fully_Upgradable.espPlayerStatue.espPouncer.espDovabear.espERSO 03 - Slighty Mighty Dragons Unleveled DB.espERSO 09 - Vendor Trainer Quest-giver protected USKP.espERSO 03.3 - Slighty Mighty Dawnguard Dragons.espERSO 03.4 - Slighty Mighty Dragonborn Dragons.espERSO 03.5 - New Dragon Loots.espmore_Travelers-light.espGreenWaterFix_Compatible.esp Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jesterskull25 Posted April 11, 2013 Author Share Posted April 11, 2013 thanks, but what the colors mean Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mellophonist Posted April 11, 2013 Share Posted April 11, 2013 Potentially mods that will conflict with others im assuming the brighter the color the more conflicts it will cause. I would also recommend using Tes5edit to clean your mods, look up gophers video on YouTube for a well done explanation on how to do so. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jesterskull25 Posted April 12, 2013 Author Share Posted April 12, 2013 (edited) here what I change:(I clean my mods and took a few out put patchs in, still CTD,if i need to take out some mods which ones i guess but i would like to get the most of my current list, and what settings would you use in skyrim config to get the best expenice, I'll try to vertity the cach tomarrow(I dont think thats it but I need sleep) Skyrim.esmUpdate.esmDawnguard.esmHearthFires.esmDragonborn.esmClimatesOfTamriel.esmETaC - RESOURCES.esmJSwords.esmLanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Main.esmmore_Travelers.esmRanger Ridge.esmSPIKE.esmportal2mod.espHighResTexturePack01.espHighResTexturePack02.espHighResTexturePack03.espUnofficial Skyrim Patch.espunofficial dawnguard patch.espunofficial hearthfire patch.espunofficial dragonborn patch.espUnofficial High Resolution Patch.espChesko_Frostfall.espRainbows.espClimatesOfTamriel-Sound.espenhanced soundtrack 01.espenhanced soundtrack 02.espprometheus_beastskeletons.espBehemoth Dragon.espBirdsHFclean.espChesko_WearableLantern.espDSpSoB.espguardedborders.espGypsyEyesCaravan.espImmersiveBountyHunting.espktxcompleteskyforge.espPoint The Way.espShootingStars.espskyBirds - Airborne Perching Birds.esptravelingargonians.espVariedGuards.espwhistle.espConvenient Horses.espConvenient Horses - Unique Frost.espcrowdedcities.espDragon Soul Relinquishment.espFootprints.espWetandCold.espSkyUI.espiHUD.espAetheriumSwordsnArmor.espbackpackfrankdema.espBlackSacramentArmor.espBlackSacramentDBReplacer.espCloaks.espCloaks - Dawnguard.esp1nivWICCloaks.esp1nivWICSkyCloaksPatch.espDragonbone Weapons.espdragonpriestmasks.espDwarven Condenser.espDwarvenMech.espj3x-autocrossbows.espDwemer Goggles & Scouter.espElemental Staves.esphothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.espJSwordsDistributionBalancePlugin.espLeatherBackpackBlack-300.espnotched.espSpace Wiking's Dwemer Exoskeleton.espSummonSkeletalHorde.espUnique Uniques.espwvexpansion.espDr_Bandolier.espERSO 04.2 - Mighty Durnehviir.espERSO 05 - Dovah Holy Book.espERSO 06 - Wait More Time Dragon Encounter x3.0.espERSO 07 - Mighty Dragon Priests.espSkyRe_Main.espSkyRe_Combat.espSkyRe_EncounterZones.espSkyRe_EnemyAI.espSkyRe_EnemyScaling.espSkyRe_StandingStones.espSkyRe_Survivalism.espancient watchtowers.espBeautiful Whiterun.espbettercitiesdocksolitude.espbetterdawnstar.espbetterwinterhold.espdomino_mudcrabmerchant.espquest_pitfighter.espquest_pitfighter_dlc01.espRanger Ridge.espRealisticWhiterun.esprun for your lives.espwhen vampires attack.espSkyHavenTempleEnhanced.espsomeprivacyplease_door.espsomeprivacyplease_door_heljarchen.espThe Asteria - Dwemer Airship.espthe paarthurnax dilemma.espwhiterunMarket.espAchieveThat.espbetterfactionscomplete.espBetterQuestObjectives.espBetterQuestObjectives-Dawnguard.espBetterQuestObjectives-Hearthfire.espBetterQuestObjectives-SkyRePatch.espHeadtracking.espImmersive Weapons.esplevelingmerchantswallets.espmarriable serana.espnightingale_armor_tweak.espRealistic werewolf speed.espbetterravenrock.espETaC - Villages Complete.espETaC - Morthal.espETaC Follower Add-On.espUnique Region Names.espClimatesOfTamriel-Dawnguard-Patch.espClimatesOfTamriel-Dragonborn-Patch.espURN+CoT Patch.espPredator Vision.espDawnguardDelayedStart30.espApocalypse - The Spell Package.espconjure_chest.espFlashStep.espOpenUnlock.espSustainedSpells.espNoSneakAttackSound.espNo Skill Limit.espBatTravel.esp3DNPC.espRealisticNeedsandDiseases.espRND_Dawnguard-Patch.espRND_ETaC-Patch.espRND_HearthFires-Patch.espRND_USKP-Patch.espRND_Dragonborn-Patch.espBlaze Of Eventide.espDemon Horse.espherman.espmore_Travelers-light.espFollowerWander2.espAlternate Start - Live Another Life.espSkyRe_Races.esppurewaters.espRND_PureWaters-Patch.espWaves.espGreenWaterFix_Compatible.espmap markers complete.espBashed Patch, 0.espReProccer.espImpeREAL Empire - Unique Cities - Falkreath.espFortDawnguardEnhanced.espattichjaarmarch.espatticlakeview.espatticlakeview_nowalls.espatticpale.espbetteranimals.espbetterfire.espbmerchant.espdoors_hjerim.espelemental arrows.espfilled_pots.espjorrvaskr_sorted.espmarchanditinerant.espmarkmerchant.espmarriable serana hf.espriftenmerchant2.espskyrim overhaul guilds.espskyrimoverhauldragonborn.espslavepackriekling.espsomeprivacyplease.espsomeprivacyplease_bedroomwall_hjaalmarch.espsomeprivacyplease_bedroomwall_lakeview.espsomeprivacyplease_bedroomwall_pale.espsomeprivacyplease_door_hjaalmarch.espstaticmeshimprovementmod-part2.espthievesguild_sorted.espuniquebows.espKTABladeOfWoe.esparcanaeum_sorted.esphighelf_followe.esphjerim_counter.esplakeview_merchant.espproudspire_merchant.espbetterdawnguard.espnewplaceddawnguard.espnewplacehermaeusshrine.espUnderwater_Treasure.espForgottenSettlements.espoakwood.espRavenNest.espBreezehome_Fully_Upgradable.espPlayerStatue.espPouncer.espDovabear.espERSO 03 - Slighty Mighty Dragons Unleveled DB.espERSO 09 - Vendor Trainer Quest-giver protected USKP.espERSO 03.3 - Slighty Mighty Dawnguard Dragons.espERSO 03.4 - Slighty Mighty Dragonborn Dragons.espERSO 03.5 - New Dragon Loots.espBetterQuestObjectives-AlternateStartPatch.espBetterQuestObjectives-PaarDilemmaPatch.esp Edited April 12, 2013 by jesterskull25 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mellophonist Posted April 12, 2013 Share Posted April 12, 2013 If your still having CT's I would recommend installing one mod at a time until you find which one it is but your load order is massive O_O Good luck if you do! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jesterskull25 Posted April 13, 2013 Author Share Posted April 13, 2013 (edited) ok now what do i do, if this is the problem Detected 11 dirty mods:• Dawnguard.esm:• UDR: 57• Skyrim.esm: 0FFE7F - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 00BBA5 'DLC1RuunvaldExterior01'), attached to WRLD (Skyrim.esm: 00003C 'Tamriel') at (44, -15)• Skyrim.esm: 103910 - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 00769D 'DLC1ArkngthamzExterior02'), attached to WRLD (Skyrim.esm: 00003C 'Tamriel') at (-35, - :cool:• Skyrim.esm: 1085C3 - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 001961), attached to WRLD (Skyrim.esm: 00003C 'Tamriel') at (-41, 32)• Skyrim.esm: 1085C4 - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 00195F), attached to WRLD (Skyrim.esm: 00003C 'Tamriel') at (-40, 32)• Skyrim.esm: 1085C5 - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 00195D), attached to WRLD (Skyrim.esm: 00003C 'Tamriel') at (-39, 32)• Skyrim.esm: 1085C6 - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 001959), attached to WRLD (Skyrim.esm: 00003C 'Tamriel') at (-37, 32)• Skyrim.esm: 1085C7 - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 001957), attached to WRLD (Skyrim.esm: 00003C 'Tamriel') at (-36, 32)• Skyrim.esm: 1085CB - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 00195B), attached to WRLD (Skyrim.esm: 00003C 'Tamriel') at (-38, 32)• Skyrim.esm: 1085CC - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 001959), attached to WRLD (Skyrim.esm: 00003C 'Tamriel') at (-37, 32)• Skyrim.esm: 108632 - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 001962), attached to WRLD (Skyrim.esm: 00003C 'Tamriel') at (-42, 33)• Skyrim.esm: 108633 - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 001960), attached to WRLD (Skyrim.esm: 00003C 'Tamriel') at (-41, 33)• Skyrim.esm: 108634 - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 00195E), attached to WRLD (Skyrim.esm: 00003C 'Tamriel') at (-40, 33)• Skyrim.esm: 108636 - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 00195A), attached to WRLD (Skyrim.esm: 00003C 'Tamriel') at (-38, 33)• Skyrim.esm: 108637 - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 001958), attached to WRLD (Skyrim.esm: 00003C 'Tamriel') at (-37, 33)• Skyrim.esm: 108638 - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 001956), attached to WRLD (Skyrim.esm: 00003C 'Tamriel') at (-36, 33)• Skyrim.esm: 10863E - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 00195A), attached to WRLD (Skyrim.esm: 00003C 'Tamriel') at (-38, 33)• Skyrim.esm: 1086AD - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 00193A), attached to WRLD (Skyrim.esm: 00003C 'Tamriel') at (-42, 34)• Skyrim.esm: 1086B4 - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 001937), attached to WRLD (Skyrim.esm: 00003C 'Tamriel') at (-39, 34)• Skyrim.esm: 1086B5 - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 001936), attached to WRLD (Skyrim.esm: 00003C 'Tamriel') at (-38, 34)• Skyrim.esm: 1086B6 - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 001935), attached to WRLD (Skyrim.esm: 00003C 'Tamriel') at (-37, 34)• Skyrim.esm: 1086B8 - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 001933), attached to WRLD (Skyrim.esm: 00003C 'Tamriel') at (-35, 34)• Skyrim.esm: 1086BD - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 001936), attached to WRLD (Skyrim.esm: 00003C 'Tamriel') at (-38, 34)• Skyrim.esm: 1086BE - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 001933), attached to WRLD (Skyrim.esm: 00003C 'Tamriel') at (-35, 34)• Skyrim.esm: 10872D - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 00191A), attached to WRLD (Skyrim.esm: 00003C 'Tamriel') at (-41, 35)• Skyrim.esm: 10872F - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 001918), attached to WRLD (Skyrim.esm: 00003C 'Tamriel') at (-39, 35)• Skyrim.esm: 108730 - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 001917), attached to WRLD (Skyrim.esm: 00003C 'Tamriel') at (-38, 35)• Skyrim.esm: 108731 - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 001916), attached to WRLD (Skyrim.esm: 00003C 'Tamriel') at (-37, 35)• Skyrim.esm: 108732 - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 001915), attached to WRLD (Skyrim.esm: 00003C 'Tamriel') at (-36, 35)• Skyrim.esm: 108733 - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 001913), attached to WRLD (Skyrim.esm: 00003C 'Tamriel') at (-34, 35)• Skyrim.esm: 108736 - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 001916), attached to WRLD (Skyrim.esm: 00003C 'Tamriel') at (-37, 35)• Skyrim.esm: 108737 - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 001916), attached to WRLD (Skyrim.esm: 00003C 'Tamriel') at (-37, 35)• Skyrim.esm: 108738 - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 001914), attached to WRLD (Skyrim.esm: 00003C 'Tamriel') at (-35, 35)• Skyrim.esm: 108739 - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 001914), attached to WRLD (Skyrim.esm: 00003C 'Tamriel') at (-35, 35)• Skyrim.esm: 1087A4 - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 0018FA), attached to WRLD (Skyrim.esm: 00003C 'Tamriel') at (-40, 36)• Skyrim.esm: 1087A6 - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 0018F8), attached to WRLD (Skyrim.esm: 00003C 'Tamriel') at (-38, 36)• Skyrim.esm: 1087A7 - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 0018F6), attached to WRLD (Skyrim.esm: 00003C 'Tamriel') at (-36, 36)• Skyrim.esm: 1087A8 - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 0018F5), attached to WRLD (Skyrim.esm: 00003C 'Tamriel') at (-35, 36)• Skyrim.esm: 1087A9 - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 0018F8), attached to WRLD (Skyrim.esm: 00003C 'Tamriel') at (-38, 36)• Skyrim.esm: 1087AA - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 0018F7), attached to WRLD (Skyrim.esm: 00003C 'Tamriel') at (-37, 36)• Skyrim.esm: 1087AB - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 0018F7), attached to WRLD (Skyrim.esm: 00003C 'Tamriel') at (-37, 36)• Skyrim.esm: 1087AC - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 0018F6), attached to WRLD (Skyrim.esm: 00003C 'Tamriel') at (-36, 36)• Skyrim.esm: 1087AD - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 0018F4), attached to WRLD (Skyrim.esm: 00003C 'Tamriel') at (-34, 36)• Skyrim.esm: 1087AE - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 0018F3), attached to WRLD (Skyrim.esm: 00003C 'Tamriel') at (-33, 36)• Skyrim.esm: 10881A - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 0018DA), attached to WRLD (Skyrim.esm: 00003C 'Tamriel') at (-39, 37)• Skyrim.esm: 10881D - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 0018D7), attached to WRLD (Skyrim.esm: 00003C 'Tamriel') at (-36, 37)• Skyrim.esm: 10881E - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 0018D6), attached to WRLD (Skyrim.esm: 00003C 'Tamriel') at (-35, 37)• Skyrim.esm: 108824 - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 0018D4), attached to WRLD (Skyrim.esm: 00003C 'Tamriel') at (-33, 37)• Skyrim.esm: 108883 - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 0018BA), attached to WRLD (Skyrim.esm: 00003C 'Tamriel') at (-38, 38)• Skyrim.esm: 108885 - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 0018B8), attached to WRLD (Skyrim.esm: 00003C 'Tamriel') at (-36, 38)• Skyrim.esm: 10888A - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 0018B5), attached to WRLD (Skyrim.esm: 00003C 'Tamriel') at (-33, 38)• Skyrim.esm: 1088E5 - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 00189B), attached to WRLD (Skyrim.esm: 00003C 'Tamriel') at (-38, 39)• Skyrim.esm: 1088E6 - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 00189A), attached to WRLD (Skyrim.esm: 00003C 'Tamriel') at (-37, 39)• Skyrim.esm: 1088E7 - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 001899), attached to WRLD (Skyrim.esm: 00003C 'Tamriel') at (-36, 39)• Skyrim.esm: 1088E8 - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 001898), attached to WRLD (Skyrim.esm: 00003C 'Tamriel') at (-35, 39)• Skyrim.esm: 1088E9 - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 001897), attached to WRLD (Skyrim.esm: 00003C 'Tamriel') at (-34, 39)• Skyrim.esm: 1088EA - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 001896), attached to WRLD (Skyrim.esm: 00003C 'Tamriel') at (-33, 39)• Skyrim.esm: 1088EB - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 003CE7), attached to WRLD (Skyrim.esm: 00003C 'Tamriel') at (-32, 39) • Dragonborn.esm:• UDR: 1• Skyrim.esm: 032D8B - NAVM attached to Interior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 032AE7 'QASmoke') • HearthFires.esm:• UDR: 5• Skyrim.esm: 0CB4F3 - NAVM attached to Interior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 0165A8 'WhiterunBreezehome')• Skyrim.esm: 0EA18D - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 0090A4 'BYOHHouse3Exterior03'), attached to WRLD (Skyrim.esm: 00003C 'Tamriel') at (8, 9)• Skyrim.esm: 0F0660 - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 009BD6 'BYOHHouse1Exterior02'), attached to WRLD (Skyrim.esm: 00003C 'Tamriel') at (-3, -17)• Skyrim.esm: 101F2A - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 0090A5 'BYOHHouse3Exterior02'), attached to WRLD (Skyrim.esm: 00003C 'Tamriel') at (7, 9)• Skyrim.esm: 105A71 - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 009291 'BYOHHouse2Exterior02'), attached to WRLD (Skyrim.esm: 00003C 'Tamriel') at (-6, 24) • Ranger Ridge.esm:• UDR: 1• Skyrim.esm: 0EA5D2 - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 009673), attached to WRLD (Skyrim.esm: 00003C 'Tamriel') at (9, -6) • ancient watchtowers.esp:• UDR: 1• Skyrim.esm: 0EBE63 - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 009590), attached to WRLD (Skyrim.esm: 00003C 'Tamriel') at (-14, 1) • bmerchant.esp:• UDR: 2• Skyrim.esm: 0CB4F3 - NAVM attached to Interior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 0165A8 'WhiterunBreezehome')• Skyrim.esm: 0CB4F4 - NAVM attached to Interior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 0165A8 'WhiterunBreezehome') • Breezehome_Fully_Upgradable.esp:• UDR: 1• Skyrim.esm: 0CB4F3 - NAVM attached to Interior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 0165A8 'WhiterunBreezehome') • FortDawnguardEnhanced.esp:• UDR: 9• Dawnguard.esm: 003A9B - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Dawnguard.esm: 001DD3 'DLC1DawnguardGate3'), attached to WRLD (Dawnguard.esm: 001DB8 'DLC1HunterHQWorld') at (0, -1)• Dawnguard.esm: 003A9D - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Dawnguard.esm: 007BBF 'DLC1HunterWorldFort01'), attached to WRLD (Dawnguard.esm: 001DB8 'DLC1HunterHQWorld') at (1, 0)• Dawnguard.esm: 00ED28 - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Dawnguard.esm: 007BBF 'DLC1HunterWorldFort01'), attached to WRLD (Dawnguard.esm: 001DB8 'DLC1HunterHQWorld') at (1, 0)• Dawnguard.esm: 00ED36 - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Dawnguard.esm: 001DD3 'DLC1DawnguardGate3'), attached to WRLD (Dawnguard.esm: 001DB8 'DLC1HunterHQWorld') at (0, -1)• Dawnguard.esm: 00F379 - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Dawnguard.esm: 007BBF 'DLC1HunterWorldFort01'), attached to WRLD (Dawnguard.esm: 001DB8 'DLC1HunterHQWorld') at (1, 0)• Dawnguard.esm: 00F37D - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Dawnguard.esm: 001DD3 'DLC1DawnguardGate3'), attached to WRLD (Dawnguard.esm: 001DB8 'DLC1HunterHQWorld') at (0, -1)• Dawnguard.esm: 013175 - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Dawnguard.esm: 007BBF 'DLC1HunterWorldFort01'), attached to WRLD (Dawnguard.esm: 001DB8 'DLC1HunterHQWorld') at (1, 0)• Dawnguard.esm: 013185 - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Dawnguard.esm: 001DD3 'DLC1DawnguardGate3'), attached to WRLD (Dawnguard.esm: 001DB8 'DLC1HunterHQWorld') at (0, -1)• Dawnguard.esm: 01318A - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Dawnguard.esm: 001DD3 'DLC1DawnguardGate3'), attached to WRLD (Dawnguard.esm: 001DB8 'DLC1HunterHQWorld') at (0, -1) • lakeview_merchant.esp:• UDR: 1• HearthFires.esm: 003085 - NAVM attached to Interior CELL (HearthFires.esm: 002FEC 'BYOHHouse1Falkreath') • Ranger Ridge.esp:• UDR: 1• Skyrim.esm: 0EA5D2 - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 009673), attached to WRLD (Skyrim.esm: 00003C 'Tamriel') at (9, -6) • SkyHavenTempleEnhanced.esp:• UDR: 1• Skyrim.esm: 06F8FD - NAVM attached to Exterior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 0356A9 'SkyHavenTempleEntrance'), attached to WRLD (Skyrim.esm: 035699 'KarthspireRedoubtWorld') at (31, -1) Edited April 13, 2013 by jesterskull25 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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