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Sheikah Armor + Clothing mod... okay to upload? Advice?


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It is cool and good looking. One sword resource I do use, have the original Dragon symbol without anyone have any issues about it.


I do not find it right now but it is here somewhere


I am so stupid. it is placed in my store, the fence. Look at the counter: Look at the hilt.


Edited by Pellape
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I think so too, as I made the first one 16 years ago and been using them since, in loads of different colors. I made them for Morrowind first, to fit Aleanne's nice armors, that also later got ported to Oblivion and these that are the only ones left are not so many but very colorful and the reason for it is of course the base colors of the armors they where made for in the first place. I use brown now as I use brown armors. Very basic but I like that armor that came with Kvatch Rebuilt. I do not have many screenies of it, but this is one at least.



Testing a sword someone here made and couldn't get into the game, so I got it into an esp and sent it back.

And here is another, as I did include 2 shields in my current project. In the shop The Fence



Ooh, I did find this one as well and here we see the shields together with the right armors they where made for. I do not know why someone else did upload them separate and I do not care either... ;)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you kindly! ^_^

I wasn't quite sure if I should've checked the box for 'lore-friendly' or not, but I did anyway (even despite the bright green recolor, because hey, glass armor lol) :tongue:

I'm working on a medieval dress now (that isn't from any fandoms! lol) and it'll definitely be lore-friendly :thumbsup:

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