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Skyrim launcher won't work, nor will mods


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I've been playing skyrim for awhile now but recently decided to install some mods. I downloaded NMM and the mods installed successfully. They were all visible in the data folder of skyrim but when I loaded the game non of them were working.

Now the launcher won't work at all. It opens, but when I hit "play" a window pops up asking me to "allow" and unknown program to launch which never happened before. I click allow but then the launcher just disappears then reappears and will keep doing this when I click "play". I can still launch the game by going into the files and launching through TESv.exe but then the launcher itself doesn't come up, the game just loads.

Any way I can solve this?

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What mods did you install? Did you try uninstalling them?

I tried the BFF animal companion, one that allowed a werewolf to feed on animals, one that got rid of the werewolf time limit, and one that allowed you to toggle in/out of being a werewolf. I've deleted the files from the data folder and even uninstalled NMM but windows is still treating the launcher as an unidentified program.

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