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Skyrim SE Crashing before logo - Failure to Launch, Part 2


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Well, to be fair my game is so modded with all the .dll's and enb on launch I have no idea if the logo would have been showing or not since it's DISABLED! :p


BUT, I'm having a hell of a time with skyrim SE starting lately, and it seems to be related to Vortex. Sometimes, I delete the loadorder.txt/plugins.text and relaunch and the game works. Sometimes it won't launch at all, and others it will launch all weekend. Either way fiddling with Vortex either gets it to work, or it's pure coincidence! This can happen with no changes to the game from me btw. Like the next day it won't launch, when it was fine before.


What I just did today: Woke up, launched game (snowed in here) played for 5 hours. Saw the civil war damages in whiterun, added a mod to that will fix them when the war ends. Launched vortex, it updated the lists. Launched game and played for an hour. Realized my wife didn't have a storefront. Quit game, added Storefront.esp/bsa. Ran Vortex, launched game and it kept crashing the rest of the day... Then on my last try, ran Vortex, found the storefront.esp, and disabled it. Launched game and it WORKED. Why? idk, as I had just added a mod earlier in the day.. Then I quit the game, and enable storefront.esp, and lunched the game and it WORKED!


Things to note:

I left vortex open on these last two launch successes.

I disabled and re-enabled just the single esp (the one I had just added), where as before I had been Ctrl A selecting all files and enabling them.

I do NOT have any mods installed through Vortex, I do things manually. I have built up this SE version over months, and bake the game into a backup routinely so I won't loose this masterpiece build I have going. "Active 219, light 52" files atm.


Now, if you don't mind I have some Skyrim SE to play since it launched. Thx

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Try updating to the Vortex 1.4.0 beta in Settings -> Vortex -> Update.


If you game is crashing immediately, there's a high chance you're trying to load a BSA intended for the 2011 version of Skyrim. This comes up so often that Vortex 1.4.0+ will now warn you if you're doing that.

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Thank you. I tried this and received no warning message, but I can see it checking the archives. Vortex does seem to be running faster though. Also, the game is back to not starting again.


EDIT: Got it running again. What did I do? Same as before. Launched Vortex, disabled, then enable storefront.esp, left Vortex running. I don't think the storefront.esp is the problem obvs, could have been any .esp. I would suspect this might have more to do with Vortex running in the back ground now, but that hasn't been a prerequisite before. Perhaps something to do with the game being forced into full screen/windowed, idk.


I'll try some more stuff out.

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