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freakin problem


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MY computer is acting weird its making me type in caps when i dont want to, its making me skip letters for words so you only see like " thn n the barrel" instead of " then he walked in the barell" and also, (which is REALLY ANNOYING WHEN PLAYING MORROWIND) What ever program you're in, you just wait 30-40 seconds, and it de selects the program.. lets use TESCS for an instance. Your working on an npc's properties, and then ot of nowhere, the npc gets de-selected. Then you hafta start ALL over on him because you couldnt type fast enough and didn't click save. This also works on the internet. You know when somthing is highlited, it is dark blue at the top (win XP users) and when somthing is de-selected, it goes to a shade of white and blue? yeah,, that occurs randomly. I'm thinking that the fact that my comp has 1.41 GB left is the problem, or maybe I need the newest Windows edition.
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True. Try Adware. Also, I would recommend getting Norton Internet Security 2004. It comes with Norton AntiVirus, as well as many other useful addons. Scan your computer with both.


Also, try cleaning and de-fragging your hard drive. At least, for Windows XP:


My Computer -> Right Click on your hard drive -> Properties. Under the General Tab, you should find a "Disk Cleanup" button. Click it, and follow the instructions. Then, under the 'Tools' tab, you should check your hard drive for errors using the "Check for Errors" option [duh :P] and then defragment the drive.


Finally, try deleting old programs that you don't use anymore.

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well well


you don't get younger, do you?


the younger the people are today the more they seem

to know about computers (wonder why? B) )


well myself, i never was good on pc's

i know the basix everyone should know who

wants to build up a lan or something

but thats it


im 19... :huh:


but who cares...as long as there are some geeks :) ;)

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