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Argonian Friendly Skyrim: General Argonian overhaul


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Right now I am facing something of an in game identity crisis for playing as an Argonian. They're my favorite race but they just have a number of issues that make you realize how little time and effort Bethesda put into them.


1. I originally started playing as a male, but then remembered all the female Argonians sound like chain smokers. Which I would prefer my character's spouse not to sound like she coughing up a lung. On the other hand all the male Argonian's voices sound TOO human, like shady car salesmen.


2. Then there's some weird physics with their tails. All told there are a number of little glitches that make it look pretty unnatural. Like when you're sneaking and the tail twists at the base more than 90 degrees like it's wrenched right off of the spine. Or when you're sprinting then slow down immediately to a walking pace your tail starts twitching violently in all directions instead of the more natural looking swaying motion it should have.


3. You can see why capes were'n't used a whole lot in vanilla Skyrim, because they look terrible, their static and have no physics, they look even worse on Argonians and Kahjiit because, surprise surprise Bethesda, they have long tails that clip through the cape.. Even more annoying, perhaps because it's more common, is the number of helmets that are not Argonian compatible. Albeit Argonians can wear them, but not without presumably ripping off their own heads, storing them in hammer-space and replacing them by surgically attaching a humanoid noggin to the base of their neck and then reversing the process when they take off their helmet. Or at the very least their long snouts must really hurt inside of those face-masks So, I don't know, maybe some custom meshes for some of the helmets and hoods so that they look like a something a person with a foot-long snout could actually wear.


And this mod could actually work for Kahjiit too, as they have many of the same problems with skeletons and meshes.

Edited by LordSarcasm
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  • 2 weeks later...

Unique Beast Races (worked by me) will do some general improve to beast races.

Sadly, I can't do nothing about the voices. Male voices don't sound bad. In my opinion Argonians don't have any need to have weird alien voices. Their bestality seem to be limited to their appearance. But yes I agree with females.

About the cape clipping, maybe Unique Beast Races will fix that.

Unique Beast Races WIP thread:



This should fix the tail bug:


I'm don't know much about animations so I don't know if I can help you about other things.


With this mod Beast Races will not crush their heads inside full helmets:


Edited by Derok
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