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player.addperk issue with my mod...


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I have tried EVERYTHING but I cant figure out what's wrong... I found the form ID of the perk in the creation kit (Ex: ff005734), looked to see where the mod was in the load order (3rd), then used the following in game "player.addperk 03005734" but nothing happens. I even tried the help console command to search for the perk by name but it returns nothing as if the perk does not even exist. What am I doing wrong? I am 100% sure I have the right load order number and correct formID so whats wrong?

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If the help [perkname] command doesn't return anything then the mod isn't being loaded at all. Wrong Skyrim version?


But I am sure its being loaded, the perks are visible on the tree, I can look at them and add perk points to them. It has me baffled and confused.

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Try help and the CK name of the perk instead of the ingame name.


I just tried something, something another mod mentioned when not starting a new game, and used wait in game for 1 hour then loaded the autosave. Now everything is appearing properly when using the commands... though something is off...


It says that my mod is 04 yet its 3rd in the load order list. Am I missing something? I have dawnguard.esm then hearthfires.esm then my mod.

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