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CTD when entering Breezehome entrance outside city...


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I have recently started Skyrim and reached Whiterun where I have completed the Bleak Falls quest and become Thane. I have been offered purchase of Breezehome but cannot afford it yet, only when I exit the city there appears to be an entrance at a stream waterfall (sorry not sure how to get screenshots). When I go to enter the game crashes. Has anybody else experienced this? How do I correct it?

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The entrance you describe might be from Breezehome fully upgradeable? I use that mod and really enjoy it.

However, I would agree with gs-- go to the mod page, reread everything the mod author provides, including the discussion page. I recall there were some issues related to Hearthfire and I think the latest patch. If you can't find the answer there, then I'd mention it to the mod author.

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