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Cumulative training limit rollover


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I wish a mod existed to make unspent training points roll over to later levels. If you forget to train one level, or just don't feel like hunting down a trainer right now, you could catch up at the next level! :biggrin:


So like... level 20 lets us train 5 times at a trainer of our choice. If we forget to do that, at level 21 we can train 10 times. We're not penalized if we forget.


I often get so involved and excited with exploring I end up with 100,000+ gold I could have spent on training, but didn't remember, and now can't spend that gold on anything useful. I end up manually deducating gold from myself with the console and manually advancing skills. I'd much rather do it the way it was intended, through the trainers.

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Hmm, the trick is figuring out how to log the number of times the player has trained right BEFORE he levels up.

there's a level up event but that'll only tell me how many times you've trained after you leveled up, which is kinda silly.

and there isn't an on-pay-trainer event or anything like that.


so *shrug*

you can use SkyTweak to manually adjust the cap on your trainers in the mean time if you want.

Edited by GrimyBunyip
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