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Texture bug?


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Whenever I start walking I notice that as I walk forwards the ground textures and other textures get darker or more detailed a few feet infront of me.


I have all of my mods off and default ini/pref settings except I have ugridstoload=7






Is there anything I can do to fix this?

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  • 4 weeks later...
I'm getting this exact bug too. I've tried removing all my mods, validating my steam files, resetting my ini's and alternate ini settings, such as the one suggested above.

Other people have experienced this but I can't find a solid answer or fix anywhere.


For example

Skyrim Texture pop-in glitch?

Skyrim Shadow Draw Distance Issue

Sphere of shadow around player while snowfall - link


Nothing has worked so far. I thought it was at night time snowfall only, but I've seen it in thin fog conditions with sun too.

I tried this mod with Revamped Exterior Fog, thinking it was a problem with fog, and (perhaps interestingly) activating this mod didn't seem to have any effect at all...

See below for list of mods I'm running in case that's of use.

Currently, I'm running the game with 'ClearInvalidRegistrations=1' added to Data\SKSE\skse.ini in the hope that this will fix it, should it be due to a corrupted save, but it's had no immediate effect.

Short of reinstalling, I'm out of ideas. Has anyone got any further suggestions?

My mods:

A Quality World Map - With Roads - Hi-Res Quality World Map - Main Roads

Better Dynamic Snow - Better Dynamic Snow 2-20

Daedric Shield Hi-Res Texture Pack Fix - DaedricShieldHiResFix

Enhanced Blood Textures

Enhanced Distant Terrain

Enhanced Lights and FX - ELFX Enhancer

Enhanced Lights and FX - Enhanced Lights and FX

Enhanced Lights and FX - SMIM Meshes

Enhanced Night Skyrim - Enhanced Night Skyrim v04 Blue Galaxy

Enhanced Night Skyrim - Enhanced Night Skyrim v04 Lower Stars

Even Better Quest Objectives - Main - Even Better Quest Objectives

Follower Trap Safety - Follower Trap Safety v1_1

Followers can Relax - FollowerWander6-35

Footprints - Footprints v0_99

Friendly Guard Helmets - Friendly Guard Helmets

Giants Physics Fix - Giants Physics Fix

HD Textures DLC Fix - HD Texture DLC Fix v1_3b Loose Files

High Quality 3D Map - HQ3DMap - Meshes Hi-Res

Immersive Armors - Immersive Armors v6

Oblivious Horses - Oblivious Horses 1_2

Pure Waters - 1_Pure Waters 4-4 Main

Rainbows - Rainbows v1_041

Realistic Ragdolls and Force

Ruins Clutter Improved

Run For Your Lives - Run For Your Lives

Shooting Stars - Shooting Stars v1_041



Static Mesh Improvement Mod

Unique Booze Bottles HD - Unique Booze Bottles v1

Unofficial Skyrim Patch - Unofficial Skyrim Patch

Wet and Cold - Wet and Cold v1_13

Edited by f00t
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Well I uninstalled Skyrim completely (cleared my registry too), and reinstalled vanilla with official hi-res textues, and nothing else. I loaded a clean save and teleported to one of the areas where this keeps happening (when snowing at night) and it still happens!


I've tried default ultra and default low settings as well as resetting my graphics driver Skyrim profile to default.


Therefore I can conclude that's it's a feature of the game or a bug with the latest Nvidia drivers (314.22 - I have an Nvidia 670GTX).


PS: The area I was using to test was the road outside Lost Echo Cave - South-West of Solitude. I'd be interested to know if people with AMD cards experience this issue in that area (again when it's snowing at night).


Good to know it has nothing to do with mods and other settings I suppose. It seems to be worse in some areas and not present at all in others.

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